Music » Rock » PeterGreenstone » Song
Iridium Flare
Song information
Another track from "Broken Symmetries".
Released: 19-Dec-2024
Category: Rock
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 7.0 Mb
Plays: 6
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed

The radar sweeps the prairie
and chatters with the satellites in idle murmurs
The operator dozes off
and swirling cross a field in the din of insect song... a cloud of birds

Twilight is forever
We're just passing through
Throw us from the center
but hold us close to you
Iridium flare, I saw it just above Venus and
heading for the moon
But the moon went behind Saturn
and then I knew... I knew

When I see a shadow fall on the stars
And when I see the wires glint in the dark
Is it blasphemy if I choose to believe
and I forget to laugh at this joke on me?

It's quiet on the prairie
And high above the satellite surveys its topography
Strange I should take notice in the lines
A nameless rise in all that endless anonymity

Twilight is forever
We're just passing through
Throw us from the center
but hold us close to you
Iridium flare, I saw it just above Venus and
heading for the moon
But the moon went behind Saturn
and then I knew... I knew

When I see a shadow fall on the stars
And when I see the wires glint in the dark
Is it blasphemy if I choose to believe
and I forget to laugh at this joke on me?

When gravity forgets just one little thing
And when the speed of light just stops speeding
If and Iridium flare is just a satellite
If the atmosphere doesn't fit quite right
Can the radar see me standing here
on this nameless rise miles from nowhere?
Am I a thunder cloud,
a flock of birds in the air,
or is everything just smoke and mirrors?
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