Music » Classical » PeterGreenstone » Song
The Last Migration
Song information
Years ago I wanted to find out the name of a particular piece of classical music and its composer but I had no idea. The piece was "Dance of the Knights" by Prokofiev but I didn't know that at the time and I didn't have a copy of it to play for anyone who might know. I'd heard it a few times in my life but didn't know it well.

I decided to recreate what I remembered of it's main theme to play for someone who might recognize it and know the name but nobody seemed to recognize it, at least not by my version. So I decided to create something of my own from what I had started and the end result is this. While the main theme section is based on my memory of "Dance of the Knights" the rest of the sections composed around it go an entirely different direction.

It wasn't until long after I had composed "The Last Migration" that I finally heard Prokofiev's music again and found out what it was called.

I'm pretty proud of how this turned out. It took a few days of very focused work.
Released: 15-Jan-2025
Category: Classical
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 12.9 Mb
Plays: 8
Downloads: 2
Weekly plays: 8
Weekly downloads: 2
License: No derivative works allowed
Amazing what inspires us.. I am enjoying this..Super emotional tune.
Latest song: Kleenex Boogie
27 days ago
Prokofiev was a wonderful composer. At times he could be incredibly dense and complex but when he chose to could also be lyrical and wonderfully accessible. Dance of the Knights was from his ballet for Romeo and Juliet and is also one of my favorites. Fascinating while I don’t recognize much of it here I think its spirit is. Especially in your ostinato. Quite different but I like it. Another both great and accessible work by Prokofiev is his 5th symphony.
Latest song: Shiloh
26 days ago
Beautiful, lush, but not overdone. Delicate use of low strings and horn.BTW, I'm a huge Prok fan. I think my absolute favorite piece of music is his Piano Concerto #3. Been listening to it steadily for many, many years.
What a cool idea for a composition. I don't know the Prokofiev piece that inspired you, but I like this. Nice control over your musical material.  Oh ok, I do know this music. I don't think I've ever heard Garageband sound so sonically good! Bravo!
26 days ago
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