Music » Folk » Dav » Song
Irish Whistle improv song
by   Dav
Song information
I picked up some Irish whistles and have been having fun learning to play them. This track started as some free playing whistle improv by itself. Parts of it sounded interesting enough to make a song out of, so I added a drum beat, shaker and synth strings sounds to this part.

That’s not a Bodhran drum being played, it’s a large Latin ‘Tar’ frame drum which I’m hitting with my fingers with one hand and tapping the frame edge with the other hand. I didn’t play to a click track so the tempo does get a little off in spots. Fun little instrument, the whistle, good to take on hikes and play during a rest.
Released: 20-Jan-2025
Category: Folk
Application: Other
File type: m4a
File size: 2.7 Mb
Plays: 3
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 3
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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I've always LOVED the sound of the Irish whistle. Don't know why I've never picked up one myself...
This is wonderfully upbeat!
Thank you both for listening!  Hey @Wyndsok you would have fun with the whistles.  They are relatively inexpensive and easy to play.  They would go perfect with songs like that latest acoustic guitar song (child of light) you recently posted.
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