This is an improvisational song that’s somewhere between ambient and jazz. It was the last song I recorded with the trumpet I’m playing on before selling it. First I improvised some synth tracks then added trumpet over it. Nothing was planned, just tried to express my feelings at the time.
Wasn’t sure what genre to classify this as so I choose ‘other’.
Exactly how I operate. If you dont hear it..make it. Your trumpet playing is good. Overall a nice listen/tone. You have more willpower than I do..I need the 12 Step program for Sax Most musicians spend hours edititing and adding lipstick. IMHO spontaneous first takes capture your attention to what others are doing and generate true emotions and musical responses. Well done
such a perfect tone... not everyone knows how to make a trumpet SO listenable... and that's before I even mention th enotes that you chose... SO soothing
Thank you @FishinMission . I never thought I'd sell that horn, but BILL power beat my will power I guess, lol.
Thank you @ScottCarmichael . Soft trumpet playing is somewhat of a lost art these days it seems, I was playing on a fairly deep cup mouth piece, so the tone was on the round side because of that.
Not that familiar with trumpets..back in the day seems everybody wanted Getzens. I just grabbed a student model tenor sax that plays as good as my Hi Dollar horns. Tone is mostly player related. I hope you can score another horn soon.
This is such sweet playing; if if I could get this quality of sound instead of the bright brassy sound (more like a horn) in my environment, I'd use it more! Recently, I found a sax player to do the part in a largely choral piece, and like tpt, the sound quality and performing nuance made all the difference.