I’m not good with goodbys. This song reminds of the many in my life. The happy ones and the sometimes sad. Very fine listen Kenneth. Good melody and construction. Well done my friend.
You are very good when it comes to compose sad pieces my friend. Love that cello (which sample library ?) Was wondering what you were up to, it's been a while...
Goodbyes are never happy...I said a permanent goodbye to my old boss from Esso a few weeks ago! Just before Christmas we were messaging each other about getting together! Your piece is extremely tearing. Well composed! And of your music is first class! I haven't much time to write these days...I'm writing my next environmental book! If/when I write the next one I'll be looking for you to help me! Great job!
@StanTheManLoh Thank you my friend. It has also been a busy time for me getting a project shipping. But I managed to take time to create new music. Yes goodbyes are difficult. Especially when you have worked with people for 37 years.
@Wyndsok Your words mean a lot to me. Yes the best music comes from when you have the most feeling. Both sadness and joy and naturally love and hate. Nothing is so bad that it is not good for something
OOPPPSSS...I duplicated...but never mind...same reflections!
Hard as always to say goodbye. A few weeks ago I lost my old Boss from my Esso days. Just before Christmas we were just making plans to meet when I travel to Malaysia...and then he left! In your case you can still meet for social reasons. Alas...at my age I am receiving sad news now and then as we all have to meet our maker, no matter what!
Your works here do reflect that emptiness of leaving! BUT...please do not dwell on it...smile...and look forward to meeting them again underdifferent casual environments! Smile! Beatiful music, by the way!
@StanTheManLoh don't worry, my latest I just uploaded is Happy Day. And I have a Rocking Day song ready to post. Music makes me happy. And now I will go and listen to your new song