Music » Rock » MikeHuntingford » Song
Rock My Way to You
Song information
Attempt of a ole school rock song. Joe, from the Joe Wentz Project, offered to play some amazing guitar on the song - of course I said "Yes Please"
Released: 07-Nov-2023
Category: Rock
Application: Reaper
File type: mp3
File size: 12.2 Mb
Plays: 13
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Immediately drawn to the song by the sax solo and the production. Then the soaring guitar seals the deal. Joe shines. Quality instrumentation allows the kick-back groove to really fizz at the same time. Fine collab, Mike. Enjoyed, for sure.
Latest song: Fools & Angels
10 months ago
All parts being equal it's a great vibe with great players.
Latest song: Chaos
10 months ago
Stellar production, lovely little jam with some nice stand out moments. Well done!
10 months ago
Love it!!
10 months ago
It all fits perfectly like a precision jig saw puzzle.
Latest song: I Can't do it
10 months ago
Nice sax love, the the guitar, cool B3
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10 months ago
Great combination of sounds.
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9 months ago
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