Music » R&B » scaustrita » Song
Whisper to the Wind
Song information
A song I wrote in 1981 with Ron Irby a talented lyricist from Oakland California. Morgan Robinson, Fat Chance, and Reggie Owens help me complete the song on iComps in 2011. I started a reboot of the song on but Morgan was too busy at the time. Using software I digitally extracted his vocals and Fat Chance's guitar solo from the original song and mixed them into the new song. The results are far from perfect and the reboot still needs work , but now there's a template for new vocals and solos.
Released: 07-Aug-2023
Category: R&B
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 11.8 Mb
Plays: 18
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
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Very chill vibe… 😋
Latest song: Free
1 year ago
Really nice Steve! Seeing Fatchanch's name brings a sweet memory!
Latest song: New Flags
1 year ago
Glad your feeling the west coast vibe Mark!
Latest song: Matter At Hand
1 year ago
Fat Chance’s guitar was a good addition to iComp version. Luv the music your making too. Thanks Elaine!
Latest song: Matter At Hand
1 year ago
Lovely title. And an attractive melody! I really enjoyed this one!
1 year ago
Stan, The melody was the work of Ron and with his blessing we made changes to better fit the music. However Morgan gave it that soulful feeling. That’s a wonderful comment coming from the Melody “Master” himself. Thanks!
Latest song: Matter At Hand
1 year ago
Ah lake good old days it is good to be back here :) This is great my friend /Tom
Morgan and I did a few collabs, but a couple never were finished ‘cause iComps closed. However we did do one on also one with Raven. Thanks Tom!
Latest song: Matter At Hand
1 year ago
Echo Brew's comments... super smooth, easy on the ears, and very groovy. Very enjoyable listen!
1 year ago
@BigJimSlade thanks for feeling the soulful groove. Hope to get Morgan to sing to this version some day!
Latest song: Matter At Hand
11 months ago
What's up my friend? Interesting,but i like it.Miss Fats a lot.I will be dedicating a song for him.Also will dedicate one for you, my friend
Latest song: How Long
11 months ago
Morgan, Glad you like the new version. If your every available to sing to the new version, just let me know...
Latest song: Matter At Hand
10 months ago
Lovely chill into. Relaxing vibe but quality relaxing. Well done pulling all the various elements together, Steve. Nice listen. Thanks.
Latest song: Fools & Angels
10 months ago
Love it!!
9 months ago
Motown meets the West Coast. What a wonderful fusion... Beautiful music. Stellar vocals. Ace production. So very enjoyable! 😋👍👌
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
8 months ago
Wyndsok, never thought about that West Coast / Motown vibe. Morgan can definitely do motown , and glad you’re feelin’ the LA sound I grew up listening and playing too.
Latest song: Matter At Hand
8 months ago
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