Music » Rock » jmill » Song
When The Rains Came Down
by   jmill
Song information
Musings from the attic on man and his condition. I'm not sure of what thoughts I was having at the time I wrote these words but... listening could lead to introspection or worse! ;-)
Released: 06-Dec-2023
Category: Rock
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 6.0 Mb
Plays: 12
Downloads: 2
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
And when the rains came falling down
it was too late for me.
Ten thousand shadows on a wall
but I could not see.
Heeding not the  voices
I would not hear.
Lost in my illusions
of pleasure and fear.
And when the rains cam down
it was too late for me.
And when the rains came falling down
it was too late for me.

Building an ediface 
to last for all time.
All the while in changing sands
etching mortal lines.
And the stabs of my conscience
the white noise of my mind
Stir only the shallows
of my distracted insides.
And when the rains cam down
it was too late for me.
And when the rains came falling down
it was too late for me.

© Jack Miller 2009
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Instant classic. Ha ha... As I write these words it's pouring buckets outside! Pensive lyrics. Fine vocal. Really enjoyed the Dylan-esque harmonica. Kudos bro!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
9 months ago
Very nice song. Lovely melody. Love the harmonica. Nice words also. You deliver a really nice vocal performance also.
Latest song: Strange Love
9 months ago
Dam Jack. Had to put yer foot down on the go pedal didn’t ya. Thanks for posting. Old guys rule.
9 months ago
Absolutely beautiful!! :) Instant fav.
9 months ago
Really fine song, powerful and meaningful words. Love it.
9 months ago
Like your voice,man.Good song and like my friend Dyl,said "meaningful words"
Latest song: How Long
9 months ago
The lyrics go so well with the relaxed musical backing.
9 months ago
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9 months ago
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