Music » Classical » Nevin » Song
Bach's Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
by   Nevin
Song information
This choral arrangement that I got on IMSLP was originally transcribed into Musescore 3 by me in 2021.

Musescore 4 has since been released, and though it still has a lot of bugs, its instrumentation playback is usually superior to MS3s... except where it glitches, hasn't implimented an MS3 feature, or behaves in a quirky manner.
Released: 07-Dec-2023
Category: Classical
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 5.2 Mb
Plays: 15
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 2
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Nice mock up. Well done
Latest song: Spirit Run Free
12 months ago
Nice smooth playback if this is from MuseScore 4. I am a big fan of the software after struggling with Dorico and Notion. MuseScore 3 was ok but MuseScore 4 is outstanding and so easy to use.
12 months ago
I find the keyboard note entry on MS4 laggy enough to throw my ‘typing’ off: if I’m constantly looking up at the screen to see if I entered the note/chord correctly, it slows me down considerably. I’m not sure what all bugs I’m noticing in MS4 are totally MS4, or because I’m importing from MS3. For instance, I was going to upload “Funiculí, Funicula”, but as I listened carefully, I noticed that the Tenor voice notes that were tied into the next measure, were re-sounding after the bar. I don’t know if this is because it was imported, or if MS4 doesn’t handle ties well. I’ll likely look into it later, and submit a bug report, if there’a not one already. The instruments, though, are fantastic! Accel and Decel lines now affect tempo, without having to tediously hard-code anything, which makes overall tempo adjustments less of a hassle. Cheers!
Latest song: Audible Gray Code
12 months ago
Very nicely done
12 months ago
Not a great fan of baroque era (Back, Haendel, Vivaldi) but I have to say this cover was enjoyable.
Latest song: A Fantasy Story
12 months ago
This is a wonderful piece of music, and you did a nice job in transcribing it. Joy....
Latest song: Siberian Express
11 months ago
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