Music » Classical » thsantac » Song
The March of the Empire
Song information
Back to epic music.
A 30 tracks piece composed in memory of Napoleon, his vision, his eroism but also his crazyness, his megalomania and finally his defeat.
Not totally but mainly classical.
Released: 09-Dec-2023
Category: Classical
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 15.7 Mb
Plays: 15
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
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Awesome orchestration Thierry magnificent piece of music Chapeau
9 months ago
I like your historical pieces! They are so movielike...builds me up with vivid images! This is talent! This one has a go-to beat! And yet mysterious! And the quiet moments draws you into another plane of excitement ... like teasing, cajoling, warning...that a surprise is in store. This is musicianship!
9 months ago
Nice. Study Sentence or period forms of themes with cadences this will add to this great piece. A great merge of styles...which you know I like. Well done
This is very special,man.Perfect soundtrack,with strength and honor
Latest song: How Long
9 months ago
Great track.
Latest song: Cool Cat Burglary
9 months ago
Masculine and forceful, the guy this is about degenerated the gene pool of his nation and much of Europe. The French never recovered. The powerful score sounds like it’s in a big hall. I think that was a good choice. Thanks for posting.
9 months ago
Absolument magnifique mon ami. Les mouvements sont brillamment placés. C'est beau. Thierry this reminds me of our work on the Garden. The good old days. Excellent track my friend.
Splendid work. Really well crafted. I love this concept of using all the music instruments on the palette of our time. Timeless. Learning from the past and reaching into the future. I sense a hope for mankind in this music but also some warnings. You do Napoleon great justice. Great work my friend. That is a download.
Latest song: Strange Love
9 months ago
9 months ago
I liked the ostinato that opens this. Genre can be tricky to define... yes, classical... also a Brian Eno-progressive rock sound. Not easy to achieve. Wild intervals in some of the melodies, which were welcome to my ear. Epic indeed!
Latest song: Interregnum
9 months ago
This is so impressive! I loved how it built... ebbed and flowed, and kept moving!
Latest song: Exposure
9 months ago
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