Music » Classical » Nevin » Song
Funiculì, Funiculà, for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, and Horn
by   Nevin
Song information
A cheesy, late 19th Century jingle in Neapolitan style, that has ascended to be nearly anthem-like for the Italian people: Richard Strauss accidentally plagerized the tune, thinking it was traditional folk music... just 6 years after it was written. Rimsky-Korsakov also included the tune in a work. Both composers ended up having to pay Denza royalties.

This very catchy tune has been performed by many greats, including Pavarotti, Bocelli, The Grateful Dead, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and The Wiggles.

This piece was arranged by Leonidas Sakellarides, who placed it under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License. (Leosakel @ IMLSP)
Released: 10-Dec-2023
Category: Classical
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 8.3 Mb
Plays: 7
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Non-commercial derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Neapolitan lyrics

Aissera, oje Nanniné, me ne sagliette,
tu saje addó, tu saje addó
Addó 'stu core 'ngrato cchiù dispietto
farme nun pò! Farme nun pò!
Addó lu fuoco coce, ma se fuje
te lassa sta! Te lassa sta!
E nun te corre appriesso, nun te struje
sulo a guardà, sulo a guardà.

Jamme, jamme 'ncoppa, jamme jà,
Jamme, jamme 'ncoppa, jamme jà,
funiculì, funiculà, funiculì, funiculà,
'ncoppa, jamme jà, funiculì, funiculà!

Né, jamme da la terra a la montagna!
Nu passo nc'è! Nu passo nc'è!
Se vede Francia, Proceta e la Spagna...
Io veco a tte! Io veco a tte!
Tirato co la fune, ditto 'nfatto,
'ncielo se va, 'ncielo se va.
Se va comm' 'a lu viento a l'intrasatto,
guè, saglie, sà! Guè, saglie, sà!


Se n'è sagliuta, oje né, se n'è sagliuta,
la capa già! La capa già!
È gghiuta, po' è turnata, po' è venuta,
sta sempe ccà! Sta sempe ccà!
La capa vota, vota, attuorno, attuorno,
attuorno a tte! Attuorno a tte!
Stu core canta sempe nu taluorno:
Sposamme, oje né! Sposamme, oje né!


English translation

I climbed up high yesterday evening, oh, Nannina,
Do you know where? Do you know where?
Where this ungrateful heart
No longer pains me! No longer pains me!
Where fire burns, but if you run away,
It lets you be, it lets you be!
It doesn't follow after or torment you
Just with a look, just with a look.

Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!
Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!
Funicular up, funicular down, funicular up, funicular down!
To the top we'll go, funicular up, funicular down!

Let's go from here below up to the mountain,
A step away! A step away!
You can see France, Procida, and Spain,
And I see you! And I see you!
You rise, pulled by a cable, quick as a wink,
Into the sky! Into the sky!
We'll rise up like a whirlwind all of a sudden
Knows how to do! Knows how to do!


The car has climbed up high, see, climbed up high now,
Right to the top! Right to the top!
It went, and turned around, and came back down,
And now it's stopped! And now it's stopped!
The top is turning round, and round, and round,
Around yourself! Around yourself!
My heart is singing the same refrain:
We should be wed! We should be wed!

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The new version has a much more crisp transparent sound and also a better "room". But I am disturbed by the too extreme differences in dynamics and I wonder if it would be better to select a level more forte for the silent passages. The older version does the dynamics better but much more inferior sound quality. Hopefully newer versions will improve things. I do not read music notation. I am a happy amateur working by the ear and my love of music. I love this piece. Such a happy and cheerful melody. Thanks for sharing and for nerding with us other nerds
Latest song: Witch Dance
1 year ago
Yeah, I looked at MS4's notes on Dynamics and while their playback features are "under vigorous development", as of November 2023, the "effects are not adjustable". (for the highest quality instruments). For tomorrow's upload, I might try running the track through a compressor filter to even out the highs and lows.
Latest song: Audible Gray Code
1 year ago
Lovely rendition. Not all instruments playing in same velocity / loudness (mp, p, mf f) so you will get the raspy brass effect when possibly you want the rounded sound and vice versa. Can you adjust this in the notation / daw? I do like the arrangement and instrumentation. Well done. Looking forward to more.
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1 year ago
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