Wanted to try something different and get more use out of My Project Sam Swing instruments. Typical song structure with variation (even a Solo Tenor and Choir in later stages). I like Jazz and Funk so decided to go with a mix. All instrument notes arranged and composed by me - with some vocal chops and limited loops.
Application:Logic Pro
File type:mp3
File size:3.9 Mb
Weekly plays:2
Weekly downloads:0
License:Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
This so beautiful very well arranged and composed
superb orchestration same here mix of jazz and funk is heaven
very well enjoyed keep that spirit you do it so good make it your signature
thanks for sharing
btw you know this sonically can sound better :)) just kidding cheers and happy holidays
Hey Paul,
This has a great feel. Percussion drives things along nicely.
Also, don't hear enough Rhodes these days...
Those funky horns... Yum! Just brilliant.
For some reason, good one, this reminds me of Richard Roundtree movie music... would fit perfectly. Great instrumentation and the tenor solo is really kool! Super piece!
So smooth… the horns are so right… as they slide into your well established feel… again I’m sitting think… “wish I could be looking over your shoulder” your results seem to reflect a journeyman’s depth… so good… I might plug in my guitar and jam with you