Music » R&B » wal » Song
Hurricane Boomerang
by   wal
Song information
My second marriage was good for a few songs; this is the bitter, whiny one. Jr played inspired guitar as usual. He was 16 or 17 on this one and his career was just beginning to take shape. 20 years later and he and his brother have done alright for themselves. Stick around for the outro guitar solo.
Released: 18-Dec-2023
Category: R&B
Application: Logic Pro
File type: m4a
File size: 5.5 Mb
Plays: 10
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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This is gold. Soulful groove. The playing is fab. Lyric is sophisticated and straight outta townie Vegas. Thanks for posting.
9 months ago
Really good. Enjoyed!!
9 months ago
It was so good 20 years ago, still is, my friend. Got your gorgeous vocal signature, those piano/organ licks are splendid and the guitars...the guitars..."inspired" is too small-a-word. Jr & JrSr have done much more than alright for themselves, they are one of the most talented bands out there. The Bros Landreth, come on !!!
9 months ago
So fine. Your voice is comforting but the lyrics are disturbing. The music is so good. Hurricanes wreck stuff but it can be rebuilt newer and better. Adversary creates the best music.
Latest song: June Wedding
9 months ago
Ye ould Wal fam with another jazz jewel. Nice!
Latest song: Sky Is Falling
9 months ago
Very good song. Nice R & B groove. Well sung. Cool guitars
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9 months ago
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