Music » Folk » Ruby » Song
by   Ruby
Song information
Cover of Norma Tanega's "Stranger" from her "I Don't Think It Will Hurt If You Smile" album from 1971.
Me on vocals and tenor guitar.
Billy Brandt on lead guitar
Released: 26-Dec-2023
Category: Folk
Application: Reaper
File type: mp3
File size: 6.9 Mb
Plays: 22
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
I am a stranger to this time.
My life has never been right.
Tomorrow disappears.
The snowman ends his years.
In the space of loving, knows no tears.
The walls around me try to see.
My song is full of empathy.
Look forward tenderly, in me you I can see.
The time of loving soon must be.
I am a stranger to this time.
My life has never been right.
Tomorrow  disappears.
The snowman ends his years.
In the space of loving, knows, no tears.
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This is done really well. The vocal harmonies are top notch and I really like the chord slide down which is an attention grabber in my book.
Latest song: University
9 months ago
First time seeing a mud puddle snowman, so that was cool. This strikes me like a more laid back folk Simon & Garfunkel. Soothing and relaxing. The harmonies are nice and vocals genuine and accessible. Also enjoyed the half step walk down progressions on "tomorrow disappears" and "the snowman ends". A nice shift that keeps the piece lively. I like the mix. It let's you think while still being able to hear everything quite clearly.
Latest song: Fare Well
9 months ago
Lovely song, singing and guitar.
Latest song: June Wedding
9 months ago
Great song, and your delivery is splendid too. Harmony. It's all we need.
9 months ago
Love it!!
9 months ago
Sweet song. Lovely vocal harmonies
Latest song: Strange Love
9 months ago
Beautiful lyrics, sung beautifully
Latest song: Latina
9 months ago
Ethereally beautiful. I'm at peace listening.
Latest song: Carvan Sun
8 months ago
I so love this..what a great harmony arrangement. I agree with Venturesome....That slide down is wicked good and a attention the tension it creates!
Latest song: 7 days 2
8 months ago
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