Written by: Ray Dahrouge &Bobby Martin Music: zincshed Vocals:Scorpius Vocals: morgan102 The cover art are artist I had the pleasure of singing with and want to dedicate this song to them.Dani,Angela Hope,Angee Babee,Luly and Cinderella....thank you.Dani,thank you for always having my back.
File type:mp3
File size:5.9 Mb
Weekly plays:1
Weekly downloads:1
License:Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Yet another song that I haven't heard in ages. Wow, how long ago did we do this? Blast from the past for sure. Always honored to sing with you, pal.
Thank you, everyone!
I love that 60's soul feeling. You have a nice wall of sound. Everything works as it should. Congratulations and that great collection of singers in the artwork.