Dig the chordal shift at 1:15. Nice tones. Dissonance. Right away I feel like you're not just wondering if God exists, you're ascending into the heavens to explore and find out :-) But you should stay and enjoy earth for a while, God's waiting for us, he'll still be there lol.
@kennethlavrsen - thanks. i wrote this after my dad passed and it's actually a really personal song for me.
@yoslounge - i love the drone bass too. i was originally using a stock logic synth bass, but then particledots suggested using the cs-80 and it's absolute perfection. what a great choice in synths.
@ramonaji - thanks so much. it's a really personal song for me.
@moses - appreciate that you noticed my tonal shift. it kind of represents the cloudiness and dissonance i was feeling at the time. the grief.
@thsantac - particledots is a human. well. maybe he's more than that. superhuman producer that's for sure. sometimes we work on music together. next project: create a particledots plug-in. :D
@deezee - i love collaborating with bryn. he's great. i always grow so much whenever i work with him.