A true story about a real woman-think Katy Sagals Gemma Teller Morrow from Sons Of Anarchy but more aggresive-She was called feathers 6ft3(my height) and very scary,this is my ode to her
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NIcely done Al. I agree with Cupcake that there's a little bit of Bowie there, and it works so well with this rock n roll tune! A little bit of Diamond Dogs with Queen Bitch. Two favorites from Bowie.
Rock and freakin' ROLL!
Bowie vibe with just a hint of Stones in places?
Love your vocals herein brother!
Classic lead. Just wish there was more of it, and a little louder! But that's just me...
Outstanding as is!
Very cool rocker!
I can see the Bowie comparisons, but to me - especially coupled with the music - the vocals have more of a Richard Butler of The Psychedelic Furs sound. But whether you hear Bowie or Butler it's a great song with some very cool vocals.
Thanks for sharing!