Music » Pop » AlHughson » Song
Game Of Life
Song information
A true story about a real woman-think Katy Sagals Gemma Teller Morrow from Sons Of Anarchy but more aggresive-She was called feathers 6ft3(my height) and very scary,this is my ode to her
Released: 05-Feb-2024
Category: Pop
Application: Reaper
File type: mp3
File size: 12.0 Mb
Plays: 23
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Nice little rocker, very well performed. Sometimes your vocals evoked David Bowie. Thanks for sharing such a killer track!
7 months ago
NIcely done Al. I agree with Cupcake that there's a little bit of Bowie there, and it works so well with this rock n roll tune! A little bit of Diamond Dogs with Queen Bitch. Two favorites from Bowie.
7 months ago
So a new song once a day ? You are hard to follow man :-) I wish I have so much time to compose so well performed songs.
7 months ago
Very good rock tune. As the other say, the singing style has a little hint of Bowie.. and that is not bad. But most of all it is you
Latest song: Strange Love
7 months ago
This is hot. I love it!!
7 months ago
Well she’s a genius. She’s cherry vanilla and strawberry creme. Probably maybe and possibly temporarily better off site unseen. She’s a looker too.
7 months ago
Rock and freakin' ROLL! Bowie vibe with just a hint of Stones in places? Love your vocals herein brother! Classic lead. Just wish there was more of it, and a little louder! But that's just me... Outstanding as is! πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜‹
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
7 months ago
Very cool rocker! I can see the Bowie comparisons, but to me - especially coupled with the music - the vocals have more of a Richard Butler of The Psychedelic Furs sound. But whether you hear Bowie or Butler it's a great song with some very cool vocals. Thanks for sharing!
Latest song: Mr. Moon
7 months ago
@wyndsok well my brothers back at home with his beatles and his stones :)
Latest song: Evensong
7 months ago
Hee heee... Let's leave my "stones" out of this! 😜
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
7 months ago
Diggin in on that grunge guitar. Lol second line cracked a smile. I agree with Cupcake, I can hear some Bowie. Enjoyed!
Latest song: Fare Well
7 months ago
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