Music » Folk » Marino » Song
Cigarbox (Reel)
by   Marino
Song information
Playing a jig like tune on my 4 string electric cigarbox guitar. This instrument is very fun to play
Released: 21-Oct-2023
Category: Folk
Application: Reaper
File type: mp3
File size: 4.4 Mb
Plays: 11
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
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Nice instrument. Well placed. And to be technical. More a reel than a jig. Reel is 4/4. A jig is 6/8 or 9/8. If you can say "Galloping, Galloping, Galloping..." as a vocal to an irish song then it is a jig.
Latest song: Strange Love
11 months ago
Thank you Kenneth..that is great information and helps a lot!
Latest song: 7 days 2
11 months ago
Sounds fun indeed!
Latest song: Du är
11 months ago
Oh that's such a great pic! AHHH I'm loving this! I can hear the you're all over that fret board! Inspiring, my toe wants to tap! Beautiful and happy! That was sweet! CU! Elaine :)
Latest song: New Flags
11 months ago
Happy cheerful. Fun fun fun. All the way. Loved it!!
11 months ago
Another perfect piece from you!
Latest song: Exposure
9 months ago
Love this Marino ! Very cool playing and tones from the cigarbox...
1 month ago
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