Music » Pop » Dyl » Song
One Drink Down
by   Dyl
Song information
A collaboration/duet with Terry Carlan (TeddyC on Icomp, from Perth-Australia), who wrote, sings and plays bass. I also sing, do some "aaaaahh" backing vocals, and all other instruments and mix. It's a summertime thing.
Released: 15-May-2024
Category: Pop
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 6.7 Mb
Plays: 24
Downloads: 2
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 2
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
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I really enjoyed this one, excellent duet. Very good mix Dyl. A super summertime thing.
Latest song: Come Closer
4 months ago
Why isn't this on the radio? Too perfect!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
4 months ago
I'm always a bit surprised when I see that GarageBand achieved this level of quality, but I guess it really is all about producer ears... a really good job on this for sure... 
4 months ago
What a great and pro sound ! Mike is right, could be heard on radio. 
4 months ago
Nice vocals. Enjoyed. :)
Latest song: Cool Cat Burglary
4 months ago
Very commercial! Ready for the radio! The tune is fantastic! And of course your musicianship and singing shine! Good job!!!
4 months ago
Enjoyed this very much!
4 months ago
Love it!! :)
4 months ago
This is a very catchy song and such great vocals!
4 months ago
Great voice
4 months ago
Perfect song for the sunny days we have here in Denmark right now. I love this song. That is a keeper
Latest song: Strange Love
4 months ago
Thank you all for listening. I will try my best 'intense lobbying' to have Terry on IBandstand, he's a real talent (and he plays the washboard too)...
4 months ago
love it so much Yes B' great mix 
Latest song: Hot Stove
4 months ago
Very cool-I've heard of summertime, not seen it much :)
Latest song: Evensong
4 months ago
I just knew what I would hear here would be wonderful song. 
Latest song: Six Nine
4 months ago
Nice track and well mixed 😊
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2 months ago
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