Music » Pop » Archie7777 » Song
Walking In The Rain
Song information
Alessandra singing on a boat with Omar long time ago. Omar send the acapella, and Archie made the music on it. Here is the result.
- Voice: Alessendra - Acapella
- Voice Production: Yoslounge
- Musical creation & arrangement: Archie7777
Released: 22-Oct-2023
Category: Pop
Application: Reason
File type: mp3
File size: 3.0 Mb
Plays: 17
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 2
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Vocals, production and arrangement are tops. Great collab.
Latest song: Chaos
11 months ago
This is beautiful....not easy to work with a capellas....but you did great and created a wonderful atmosphere :-)
Latest song: Interlude
11 months ago
Lovely work my friend a classic :))
11 months ago
Very nice track. I can hear that it was a challenge to get the chords to fit the key of the vocal a few places but overall it works really well. I like the piano chords and the vibing bass. Cool groove also
Latest song: Strange Love
11 months ago
Perfect work Jérôme (with Omar) !
Latest song: Comet
11 months ago
Love it!!
11 months ago
Exceptionally cool! Togetherness . And these results are certainly moving. A good match. Thanks for submitting this one.
Latest song: Golden Dusk
10 months ago
Bravo Omar !! Bravo Archie!! Brava Alessandra!!
Latest song: Freak and Flowers
6 months ago
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