Music » Rock » MattGranz » Song
Your Rose Tint Color
Song information
Recorded at Get Reel in SF. Michael Molenda of Surf Monster holding the beat. I play the rest, and sing. This song was never finished, so I hope within the next year to have it completed. This was a featured song in the Oklahoma band I was in, and the leader often introduced this as our best song.... awww geee wizzzz!

Released: 26-Oct-2023
Category: Rock
Application: Pro Tools
File type: mp3
File size: 7.6 Mb
Plays: 11
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Yeah, it's a good one! Heavy with a touch of pop. I dig this!
11 months ago
Guessing about influences here… I only bring it up because I’m getting Bowie… with more trstoserone… I’ll love the guitars in the breakdown… allows the song to breath and you vocal is killer all thru… but thoo pio see harmonies are delicious… especially in that breakdown at the end… killer Matt authenticity and passion
11 months ago
I like this one a lot. I'm getting a Bowie feel myself. I could see most of the bands that played NYC in the early to mid 70's doing this.
Latest song: University
11 months ago
Very good rock song with a nice variating structure.
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11 months ago
Great stuff!!!
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11 months ago
Very nice ....rock it....I love the vocals
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9 months ago
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