Music » Folk » Toveco » Song
What I Believe by toveco and TurquoiseRose
by   Toveco
Song information
Old song in new dress in collab with TurquoiseRose
Released: 26-Aug-2024
Category: Folk
Application: Harrison Mixbus
File type: mp3
File size: 7.3 Mb
Plays: 18
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 2
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
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Sounds really lovely, Enjoyed great colab!! :)
21 days ago
Love the song and harmonies and that guitar too.
Latest song: Pot of Gold
21 days ago
I love it!
Latest song: Simple Minds
21 days ago
If I could make wished come true... we would turn back the clock and sit with our guitars and our youth and make some magic... It is still good to hear your musical sense when you still were able to play... I can't imagine losing my guitar, but I've watched friends lose spouses and children and somehow life goes on... 
Latest song: Who You See
21 days ago
Nice work you two.. Great mix.
Latest song: Smile
21 days ago
Really sounds  I used to play classical guitar in restaurants so I can appreciate that in particular.  Great vox and production.  Thumbs up.
Latest song: The Big Electron
20 days ago
Thanks a lot, for all nice comments :)
What a beautiful song. Wonderful performance. Guitar playing as well as vocals
Latest song: Strange Love
20 days ago
lovely Collab tom.  The guitar and the vocals are perfectly mixed ..welldone mate 
19 days ago
ah... this puts me back in the past, when we collaborated together with Will Walton. This accoustic version is very nice.
17 days ago
Thank you gus! it is really nice to find this old recording again 
OMG this is gorgeous! 
You sure could pick that old guitar back in the day brother.
TR's vocals are downright angelic and all together plaintive.
A real gem!
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
16 days ago
Very nice song, Tom. Love the subtle acoustic work and Rose's vocals are beautiful. I've done a collab with her on Icomp (called 'Turquoise House'), but sadly all files are lost...
Latest song: Long Way Around
16 days ago
Great to hear this-superb
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9 days ago
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4 days ago
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