Music » Rock » Wyndsok » Song
Sibling Revelry
by   Wyndsok
Song information
My younger brother Tom played drums professionally for some 25 years in Colorado-based groups like The Innman Brothers Band, and Killer Sponges (among others).

Back in the late 1990s, during studio down-time at a recording session, Tom taped himself drumming solo.

Several years ago he sent me that track, and—with very minimal editing, and the addition of guitar, bass and vocals—I converted it into this song.

It is the first project we’ve ever been able to work on together, and—for us—is cause for celebration and much REVELRY. Hence, the song title.

Give Tom his props folks…
When it comes to sticks n’ skins,
he’s a monster!

Big thanks to Tom Hellsten @ TSTstudios for mastering this.

PHOTO: My brother Tom lived with Diane and I for a few years before moving back to Colorado. This was taken around 2014 I think. Spontaneous goofing!
Released: 14-Oct-2024
Category: Rock
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 9.1 Mb
Plays: 9
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 9
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed

When my brother and I were very young,
we dreamed of playin' in a band.
I had a reel-to-reel and a broken guitar.
He drummed on boxes and cans.

So we wrote a few tunes,
and recorded some songs.
We drove mom and dad crazy.
But it did not last long.
No it did not last long...

Well life soon intervened.
I left in search of my dreams.
For many years after that,
we walked on two different paths.

But now the wheel has turned full circle
for my bro and me.
The time has come for us to engage
in sibling revelry!
We've waited a long time for this...
Show us what yer made of Tommy!
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Wow ! Hey Mike ! Hey Tom ! Homemade with family is the best ! It's just like ''drums and space" at a dead show. Love the pic.
1 day ago
Hi Don! Thanks for clocking in on this piece. Tom was a great drummer in the classic rock mode. I'm so glad he sent me this drum track that I could work into a song. We only did one other tune together, and on that one his drums are digital. He no longer is physically able to effectively use a drum kit, so this tune is a testament to his former greatness. :-)
Latest song: Sibling Revelry
1 day ago
Oh yeah 
Solid Rocking Here !!
Rock On ..
1 day ago
Great mastering from Tom.  Mike,, your younger brother was obviously one heck of a drummer.  You're taking what he did, and making a tune such as this out of it is a stroke of genius.  Your additions are super well done.
Latest song: A Matter Of Love
1 day ago
Glimpses of a musical family life with lots of humor. And man can Tommy play those sticks. You gotta keep doing this with your kid bro Mike.
Rock on ....!
Latest song: Crazy Baby
1 day ago
Back in the day everyone loved a good drum solo. Times have changed some, but I think it's still nice to hear a decent drummer just go for it! "Solid rocking"? I agree Omar!
Latest song: Sibling Revelry
23 hours ago
Thanks Mark. You know this wasn't easy! It took me a couple months of trying different approaches before I could come up with something that fit the structure my brother had laid down. In the end everything finally came together. Glad you enjoyed it my friend!
Latest song: Sibling Revelry
23 hours ago
Thanks Charlie. Tom doesn't play live drums anymore. The many years of being a rock drummer took a toll on his body. We did another tune together which is called "Starlight." I'll post it eventually. As for working together again, we'll see what the future holds. We've talked about it.
Latest song: Sibling Revelry
23 hours ago
Ha ha... Thanks Gary! We will certainly TRY to do just that...
Latest song: Sibling Revelry
23 hours ago
Family rock. Great work on the drums from your brother. Full of energy and pleasure at 5'04 :-)
18 hours ago
Adding instruments and vocals to a drum track is not an easy thing to do... And you achieved that perfectly.Tom (Colorado Tom) is a great drummer. Nothing compares to real drums when played like that... And Tom (Thailand Tom) did a fine job mixing it. Bravo to you all.
9 hours ago
A one off opportunity to record with my brother on live drums. So glad he sent this track for me to build on!
Latest song: Sibling Revelry
8 hours ago
You're right Dyl. It was very difficult! I wanted to leave his track "as is" out of respect. In the end, I cut out one measure of the slow section at the beginning for the sake of versification. Apart from that I left his drums alone. I like to think that this is how we would have sounded if we had ever played together live.
Latest song: Sibling Revelry
8 hours ago
Excellent rock family style. Very, very good...those drums, wow!
7 hours ago
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