Music » Folk » MojcaCzarka » Song
Poranne Światło (Morning Sunshine)
Song information
I wrote this song as a teenager - it's in Polish, I though it was never going to be recorded, it holds a really special place in my heart. It's about finding joy in those simple morning moments: waking up to sunlight streaming through your window, watching birds splash around in the bath outside, seeing flowers sway in the morning breeze. You know, those little things that just make you smile and appreciate being alive.

I was lucky enough to work on it with my two of my closest friends. I have to mention Piotr - even though he's too modest to take credit, he's an absolute genius who brought so much to the piece. He played pretty much everything: guitar, bass, drums, and even the balalaika (this cool Russian instrument that looks like a triangular guitar).

Then there's Gemma, who added these beautiful harmonies with her voice and brought in some unexpected elements - Irish flute, accordion and violin with this lovely Celtic flair. I know it might sound strange, mixing Polish lyrics with Celtic influences, but that's what Piotr wanted, and I wouldn't change a thing about it.

I handled the main vocals, and Gemma really pushed me to reach for those higher notes (my throat's still feeling it - haha!). Despite being rough around the edges, this song captures a really special time in my life.

I hope you enjoy your listen.

I have translated the lyrics too.
Released: 19-Oct-2024
Category: Folk
Application: Pro Tools
File type: mp3
File size: 13.1 Mb
Plays: 6
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 6
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
Złote promienie tańczą przez me okno
Budzik natury wita mnie spokojnie 
Przeciągam się powoli, czuję lekkość
Wszystko dziś będzie doskonałe

Witaj słońce, grzejesz moją twarz
Dzień zaczynasz z delikatną gracją
Każdy promień nowy start przynosi
Napełnia radością senne serce

Ptaki śpiewają poranną pieśń
Wskazując, gdzie jest moje miejsce
W tej chwili, czystej i jasnej
Gdy cienie bledną w porannym świetle


Music break

Czasem pochmurno, czasem szaro
Lecz teraz słońce zostaje z nami
Sprawia, że czuję, że mógłbym latać
Pod tym idealnym porannym niebem




Golden rays dance through my window
Nature's alarm clock saying hello
Stretching slowly, feeling the light
Everything's gonna be just right

Hello sunshine, warming my face
Starting this day with gentle grace
Every beam brings a brand new start
Filling with joy my sleepy heart

Birds are singing their morning song
Telling me where I belong
In this moment, pure and bright
As shadows fade into morning light


Some days are cloudy, some days are grey
But right now the sun is here to stay
Making me feel like I could fly
Under this perfect morning sky

Final Chorus:

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Wonderful songs 
Lovely music & i like you are singing in Polish 
Well enjoyed 
Thanks for sharing 
Latest song: Melly on my side
2 days ago
Beautiful songwriting. Positive. It's really nice to hear a song in Polish. Probably the first and only one on iBandstand !And Piotr & Gemma are just great musicians. Inspired and inspiring. Love the celtic flavour... Bravo to you all.
2 days ago
This is an absolutely beautiful song. I love your choice of instuments. The woodwinds and accordion with the violin. So wonderful. You have a wonderful voice.
Latest song: Rhône
2 days ago
As Dyl says the first and only Polish song that has appeared on iBandstand.
The celtic feel of this is so good! Love this so much!!
Latest song: Mr Blue
1 day ago
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