This one was sitting on the shelf, half finished, for a few months. Finally got motivated to complete it after joining this site, so thanks to you folks for that. Hope you enjoy.
File type:m4a
File size:8.7 Mb
Weekly plays:1
Weekly downloads:1
License:Non-commercial derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Beautiful song. Very well written. I think the reason people find the music low is that you have hard pan'ed instruments extreme left and right. I personally prefer a softer panning. Watch out for Garageband which can only pan by turning down left or right. Ie if you have a stereo software instruments, you loose a lot of information when you hard pan. In Logic Pro you can change the mode to Stereo pan where a bit of the left signal is fed to right when you pan right. Garageband is a bit limited with many features
You have a good sense for rock/pop music structure. I like this one a lot. I just want to hear you belt out those vocals at full volume, but I understand the kinds of limitations that exist for home studio musicians... where I live it's impossible to record clean vocals, so everything I make is instrumental. ;) Very cool song.