He comes from an ancient land. Why? Time will tell. This Celtic flavored piece was pre-midi, garageband and Logic and performed live on a Yamaha PSR-270. I listened to this today and wonder what possessed me? Still I do hope to one day transcribe the music, bring it into midi using up to date samples but for now perhaps you can enjoy this slightly mad work from another era. Here’s the link to a bloody good video with the music…and yes it is bloody. https://youtu.be/9OQzSEwiR94
File type:mp3
File size:2.3 Mb
Weekly plays:2
Weekly downloads:1
License:Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Love that Celtic feel. Great vibe again... if you decide to compose something about bedfarts @soulima I might be able to contribute if you like. Its the only instrument I'm half decent at 😂