Music » Jazz » Dav » Song
How are things in Glocca Morra?
by   Dav
Song information
This is a sentimental standard from the 1940’s about a beautiful place (fictional) somewhere in Ireland. Tried to give it a more Irish lullaby mood. I noticed the first 5 melody notes are the same as in ‘Taps’ which trumpeters play at funerals, so I kept that ‘Taps’ playing style throughout the melody. Gave the song a more ‘far away’ feel I think.

I’m playing the very old and damaged Conn trumpet pictured. The tuning slides are stuck, there’s no 1st and 3rd valve compensators, but it has a great tone and is easy to blow. Do have to lip notes in tune a lot. Gonna try to get it in playing condition, would make a good jazz horn.

The piano is a real upright, all the rest of the sounds are from keyboard/synths on my iPad.
Released: 30-Jan-2025
Category: Jazz
Application: Other
File type: m4a
File size: 5.8 Mb
Plays: 3
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 3
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Man, You play a cool trumpet!!!!! Beautiful music behind you!!!!! You shine so brightly on trumpet!!!
7 hours ago
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