A song with a geeky story. Scullcom is short for Scullcom Hobby Electronics which is the name of a Youtube channel that I watch and also the name of a website. The Youtuber is called Louis Scully (the guy on the picture) and he has a wonderful feel good way of explaining electronics so hobby people can understand the process of how to engineer stuff and improve it further along the way.
Besides being a music geek I have always been an electronics geek and that is also what I make my living from.
As a tribute to Louis I created this song July 19th 2018 and posted it on his blog. The style of the song is "feel good" country pop. He seemed to appreciate the gesture.
Application:Logic Pro
File type:mp3
File size:10.8 Mb
Weekly plays:5
Weekly downloads:1
License:Non-commercial derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Oh I like this one Kenneth! Melodious. Somehow I can't marry this mood of the song to electronics! More like a romantic song. Likw walking on the beach, holding hands, and a light warm breeze blowing through the hair of your loved one!