Music » Pop » morgan102 » Song
A Song For You(Tribute To Leon Russell
Song information
Music Template:Norman Carter
Piano:Norman Carter
Guitar:Bubba Kranepool
Drums:Linda Kidd
Bass :Yancy
Backup Vocals:N.Carter,Linda Kidd and morgan102
Released: 16-Nov-2023
Category: Pop
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 3.4 Mb
Plays: 31
Downloads: 4
Weekly plays: 2
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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The mix has a couple little hot spots.Looking for old tracks on a sata harddrive recovery tool and gonna fix that,because I'm gonna use it on a CD. Thank you all for your indulgence,power to the old Icomp and the new Ibandstand
Latest song: How Long
10 months ago
Love it !!!
10 months ago
One of my favourite songs from way back when. That 1970 album by Leon Rusell got constant play (I still have the vinyl). You have done a great interpretation. It sound like it was done in a studio. Good luck with the file recovery, Three computers later I am still looking for stuff.
10 months ago
Love it!!
10 months ago
So dang good! Excellence manifest!
Latest song: Exposure
10 months ago
Thank all of you for stopping by.Roger my friend,i love ya man.We worked on a lot of projects,including work with Dani and me together,even after Icomp ended.Yes that was a studio recording at A&M studios( when I was doing backup vocal studio work.
Latest song: How Long
10 months ago
Everything I hear from you is just spot on… when I see your name I click on it… when we are wear all the hats, it is hard not to drop one of the many ball we have in the air… performance, engineering, arrangement, the frosting, vocal delivery, mix, final product, and all the decisions in that process, you keep all those balls in the air every time I visit… you raise the bar for everyone
10 months ago
Scott,man its always great to see ya my brother.Loved what you do!!!
Latest song: How Long
10 months ago
Your voice soars, as always!
10 months ago
Hey Mary,you make my day when you visit,Thank you
Latest song: How Long
10 months ago
Fine tribute to Leon. He was a gem, and unsung hero of the golden age of R&B and Rock.
10 months ago
Empathetic reading of the tune. Production is pro level. Soulful vocal vituperation throughout. The piano player nails, maybe improves the original piano line. Strong! Thanks for posting!
10 months ago
Nice job, Soulful delivery is passionate, and emotional
Latest song: Latina
9 months ago
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