Music » Pop » StanTheManLoh » Song
Sammy With the Coolest Dreams
Song information
One day long ago (2013) I received this from Sam Dixon after listening to one of my pieces:
"i listened to just the first part of this yesterday, and didn't comment because i was called away. as a result, last night i had a dream with you involved.

in the dream, we were corresponding about a comment i had made on a (dream) song you posted--dream blur--somehow, for some reason i acquired a mallet that was fine as long as i held it in my hands, but if i put the mallet down, the Earth would tilt from the weight. i called you and told you about it and you told me to come over so you could see it first hand.--long dream blur and all i remember is my Mom being with me somewhere for support--near the end, i arrived at your place, which in the dream was a cramped traveling trailer. you had a scientist there and my Mom was there (again for support). you wanted to see this "world tilting" mallet and asked your daughter (i don't even know if you have a daughter in real life) to open the back door for me. she did and i dropped the mallet. as expected, the world tilted from the weight and your dream daughter nearly fell over. you were amazed and asked me to bring it back inside. you place the mallet on a shelf which was the only time i'd seen it not tilt the world without me holding it. the scientist said it could be catastropic to keep turning the world off its natural axis like that and i half jokingly said "so the only way for the world to be safe is to have an astronaut take the mallet into space and drop it far from Earth." the scientist said, quite seriously, "yes". for some reason that scared the hell outta me and i snapped awake.

moral of the dream: never listen to a Stan song and not comment or you will have world catastropic nightmares!

any dream analysts out there?"
Sammy Dixon
Sam Dixon did all the instrumentation in this piece. Back in the days I didn't know how to record in a DAW. I played the guitar and sang on one track.
Released: 25-Nov-2023
Category: Pop
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 11.8 Mb
Plays: 24
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 2
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Verse 1
Hidden messages all over that old song,
Felt he was there, but he really didn’t belong,
He floated to a nearby summer travelling fair,
An old bearded fortune-teller said son beware,
It’s Sammy with the coolest dreams,
Sammy makes the world go green,
He can make the world spin round and round, 
In super-sound, super-bound!
Verse 2
In that old trunk, a mallet with some junk,
Wooden mallet came with the habit of a monk, 
The stranger said it’s yours, all yours for fifty cents, 
But be careful son there’s power and great turbulence,
Repeat Chorus
Verse 3
Sammy rides the clouds so happy to wonderland,
His engine was the mallet leading from his hand, 
The wooden mallet slowly turned to gold and brass. 
And it’s flying so fast, Sammy jumped to upper class, 
Repeat Chorus
Verse 4
Magical mallet has a strong mind of its own,
All of a sudden it banks and the whole world groans,
Tilted left the true North soon became the South,
Tilted right the grass grew tall in Sammy’s mouth!
Repeat Chorus
Verse 5
That old song was written last night by his pal,
Who had a princess who’d like to be his gal,
She saved the world by holding on to Sammy’s hand,
When he woke up she was playing in his band!
Repeat Chorus
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Sammy made the wonderful backing/instrumentation to my one-take recording.
Latest song: Maybe It's You
1 year ago
Stan your vocals shines here & the backing from Sam is Great Well enjoyed :)
Latest song: The Sprinters
1 year ago
Stan this sounds great! Love the listen..
Latest song: Echos
1 year ago
Love this. Really enjoyed, fantastic collaboration !! :)
1 year ago
Really nice song. Nice production.
Latest song: Happy Day
1 year ago
I read my original comment and hadn't laughed so hard in a while! I can't you believe you still had that. I hardly remembered it until re-reading it just now. So silly, but funny. Had to make SURE I commented before I have another Stan dream. This had to be one of our funnest collabs.
Latest song: The Manager
1 year ago
A good song. Love the lyrics and vocals with choir harmonic effect backing. Well played and produced
Latest song: Spirit Run Free
1 year ago
Lyrics are shooting by on my screen on this smarty dippy cellular phone and it doesn't get them all right.. what an odd sense of A.i.~humor this cell has ! . what y'all have written is more logical.. first I thought that was me singing. Memorable phrasing, a most pleasing collaboration .
Latest song: Golden Dusk
1 year ago
This reminds me of the Kinks crossed with the divine comedy !! this is a very enjoyable listen and one for my fav folder 👌
Latest song: UPlift
1 year ago
I found this completely delightful!
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1 year ago
This makes me recall we did a nice collab together : Abandonned child. Another great collab with you and your unique voice Stan.
A cool dream indeed. An even cooler song. Love this. Seriously...
Latest song: Run Sally Run
1 year ago
Oh yeah, and great choice for the art work. 😊
Latest song: Run Sally Run
1 year ago
What a fun and creative Collab!! Great Arrangement, Production and Performances. Well done.
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