Music » Classical » soulima » Song
by   soulima
Song information
Voyager began its interstellar journey in 1977. As of 2023, the Voyager is still in operation beyond the outer boundary of the heliosphere in deep interstellar space.

Musically, I am using a tonal, traditional melody and the soundscape is purposefully filmic. On top of that, adding texture and rhythmic interest, is the use of 'rhythmic polyphony'. Emulating the twinkling of stars and celestial bodies, a sea of independent rhythms (4:3, 5:2. 7:4 and so on) sound, first in the orchestral keyboards (piano, celeste, glockenspiel, etc), and then in the woodwinds (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon). At 2:15, Voyager leaves the solar system and the heliosphere; the emptiness of the heliopause is heard and perhaps, felt. The music purposefully fades instead of ending, as to date, Voyager is still on its voyage.
Released: 28-Nov-2023
Category: Classical
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 10.2 Mb
Plays: 25
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
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Whatever your thinking this is masterful. It is space orchestrated. Bravo.
10 months ago
This music reflects solitude and the immensity of space. We have the impression of seeing the probe disappear forever. Well done sir.
10 months ago
Very clever use of timings. Love this one and does give you the visuals and sesnse you composed and orchestrated it for. Well done!
Awesome!! Had a wonderful trip. Thank you :)
10 months ago
Truly subtle and lovely to listen to!
Latest song: Exposure
10 months ago
I love astronomy and I love good sci-fi. Most music score for space is huge a loud. I like the relaxed way this presents itself and still clear space atmosphere. Really good
Latest song: Strange Love
10 months ago
Wonderfully done! I took the journey and fading out.. ;) Grabbing a copy!
Latest song: Easier
9 months ago
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