Just a fun thing I made a long time ago. Lili Chi who was a wonderful personality was being harassed by someone (not me or wal) to do a vocal but the guy was being persistent. It seems she had a bad cold at the time and felt she could not do a good job. The guy would not relent so she posted a little of her coughing, choking, sniffing and a little talking to prove to him that she had this awful cold. Before she could delete it I DLed it and chopped it up with some loops. I don't know if she was mad at me but her only comment was "Very Funny" I believe. I was going for a D&B type thing but got a little carried away. Genre is a tough choice with this one.
File type:mp3
File size:2.8 Mb
Weekly plays:1
Weekly downloads:0
License:Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission