Music » Classical » thsantac » Song
Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 - III-IV - Allegro-Allegro con brio
Song information
I think it's time to finish the 5th with its two last movements which are linked to each other.

3rd movement - Allegro (0 / 4:36) : This movement is the decisive point of the drama and returns to the initial key of the work - it is traditionally called the Scherzo (in Italian, joke), however, the opening is not particularly humorous and rather evokes a dull threat. As Hector Berlioz pointed out, the opening of the Scherzo fascinates like the fixed gaze of a hypnotist; and the pizzicato link to the drum passage leads us into a spectral and twilight world from which there seems to be no escape. At 4:02 we feel the tension growing which leads to the final.

4th movement - Allegro con brio (4:36 / end) : It is now only a matter of fully exploiting and exalting an irreversible victory. The finale is therefore a great triumphal march full of power and new ideas. The triumph that Beethoven depicts here could well be the ultimate personal victory of the accomplished human being, reconciled with his destiny.

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Hope you will enjoy (as I always do).

Thierry Santacana
Released: 10-Jan-2024
Category: Classical
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 19.1 Mb
Plays: 19
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Bonjour Thierry ! Le monde du symphonique et du classique m'est un peu étranger, et mon oreille y est peu sensible, j'ai donc peu l'occasion de te laisser quelques mots. Mais j'admire toujours l'ampleur du travail, ainsi que sa précision. Et je viens de lire (dans ta bio) que tu étais un "self-made-musician", ce qui nous rapproche encore (en plus des racines du Sud de la France)... See ya !
Latest song: Smell Of Coffee
5 months ago
Wow you have surpassed yourself on this one. Love it!!
Latest song: End Of The Line
5 months ago
Anything by Beethoven is great, and this is a great rendition!
5 months ago
beautifuly done sir
Latest song: The Gathering
5 months ago
I can't even fathom how much work goes into a piece like this. Truly beautiful.
5 months ago
Beautiful work Thierry. I finally found time to listen to your work. I love the dynamics you have managed to put into the orchestra.
5 months ago
Are you playing all of this on a keyboard? If so, not only is the modeling quite realistic, but your performances have really made excellent use of the tool. The mix is quite clear. What I'm enjoying most so far at 3:30 in is the dynamic and pacing shifts. Perfect patience. Nice, into 4:55, the whole flow has shifted. The energy behind your playing is quite wonderful. Commitment. Very well done man!
5 months ago
This is astonishing. I’ve always loved classical music, Beethoven and Bach in particular and would often wish that I could sometime mold and conduct my own version of such wonderful music. Of course with the technology available to us it’s in theory, possible but though I use of orchestral libraries, I know I couldn’t come close to achieving what you have done here. Your interpretation has plenty of passion and verve. With great skill and artistry you’ve brought to life one of the masterworks of music. I don’t think we can do without flesh and blood orchestras yet and really wouldn’t want to. But this has validity and great value and in its own way is a is a tribute to dedication, talent and hard work, not unlike Ludwig himself. And I do remember you and some of your fine work from icompositions. (did you do something with Holst THE PLANETS?) I’ve just signed up with ibandstand and will soon begin to post some work myself. If I may ask, what libraries did you use?
Latest song: A Little Dance
4 months ago
Wow, what a monumental task completed! Respect, Sir! I imagine there is much to be gained from crafting each part of such a work. The composers of that era where a pinnacle of harmonic sophistication, echoed in the twentieth century as their descendants used their ideas in opera and musical theatre and again when the songs became jazz standards. Will we see their like again via AI and the enhancements to the arts that are hinted at? Anyway, this is next level, hats off to you!
Latest song: Three Cuballeros
4 months ago
I should learn your dynamic control from this rendition of the 5th symphony. Awesome work!
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