Music » Rock » ws7m » Song
In Progress - Collab?
by   ws7m
Song information
This song has been in progress for like 13 years. I have tried various times to take it to another level and not been happy with the result. I have enlisted vocals and again not been happy with the result.

Looking here to see if some of you with far more talent than I have can suggest where to take this or maybe add to it.
Released: 27-Jan-2024
Category: Rock
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 5.3 Mb
Plays: 12
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
I wrote some but they really don't fit...
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There are a million places this could go-and sometimes that can be the problem. I have a few tracks like this and on some of them what i did was take my favourite parts and extrapolate on them to give the building blocks of more completable songs-just a thought What i'm hearing is all good-hope you find your muse on this Al
Latest song: Flow
1 year ago
Good energy in this track. Maybe it's just my earbuds but I'd love to hear the bass synth level up just a TOUCH. I feel like it's got a real nice vibe and performance and just wanna feel it a little bit more. Since you asked for suggestions, the only other thing I'd suggest is a lead of some kind. There's definitely space for vocals/lyrics or a lead instrument. Electric guitar, saxophone. Actually sax would be epic if you could get someone who can really wail. The drums sound particularly nice and I kinda don't mind them mixed slightly right.of center like they are. Cool track!
Latest song: Best Decade
1 year ago
If someone wants to play with this track you'll have to send all the tracks because he will need to lower some of them (the piano ?) to make place for a lead or something else. Anyway, sounds very good and very inspiring.
Really nice piece. Great chord progression and super arrangement. I live the dynamic sound. As someone pointed out, if someone wants to collab they should write to you to have a raw unmastered version. And that is actually a generic advice for all collabs. When we post music we normally do a mastering step which typically includes a limiter to increase the loudness. This leaves no room for additional content so a "collaber" has to take the entire track and decrease the volume to add his/her own. The result is a vocal or soloinstrument too much in front disconnected from the rest. But if you post a song for collab unmastered the thing sounds dull. So the best is to post a sexy sounding track like this. And a potential collab partner sends a personal message to get an unmastered track, adds his/her own thing and does the adaptive limiting gluing it all together and bringing loudness up. I hope someone will take up this. Vocal, sax, piano, leadguitar. It could all work.
Latest song: Witch Dance
1 year ago
I still have the original project so I could provide unmixed versions of it or even the logic project itself.
1 year ago
I think this is really lovely to my ears!!
Latest song: Melodious Melody
1 year ago
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