Music » World » Kaverley » Song
Isle of Innisfree - Cover
Song information
Tomorrow is a big day for the Irish as they celebrate St Patricks Day. So I am posting this song that I recorded some years ago about a homesick Irish emigrant who yearns for his native homeland. The song was writtren by Richard Farrelly in 1950 and featured in a John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara movie - "The Quiet Man".
Released: 16-Mar-2024
Category: World
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 7.7 Mb
Plays: 14
Downloads: 2
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 2
License: Non-commercial derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
I've met some folks who say that I'm a dreamer
And I've no doubt, there's truth in what they say
But sure a body's bound to be a dreamer
When all the things he loves are far away

And precious things are dreams unto an exile
They take him o'er, the land across the sea
Especially when it happens he's an exile
From that dear lovely Isle of Innisfree

And when the moonlight peeps across the rooftops
Of this great city wondrous though it be
I scarcely feel it's wonder or it's laughter
I'm once again back home in Innisfree

I wonder over green hills through dreamy valleys
And find a peace, no other land would know
I hear the birds make music fit for angels
And watch the rivers laughing, as they flow

But dreams don't last though dreams are not forgotten
And soon I'm back to stern reality and though they pave
The foot ways here with gold dust
I still would choose my Isle of Innisfree

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Latest song: Pot of Gold
6 months ago
Wow!! The video is awesome love it. Liked and subscribed :)
6 months ago
Beautiful ..... !   sung so well.  love the lyrics and the harmonica, sweet
Latest song: Latina
6 months ago
Beautiful song. Very well performed. Also loved the video
Latest song: Strange Love
6 months ago
Lovely song my friend!
Nice clean sounds and delivery.  Nice singing.  Very much enjoyed the lyrics.
Latest song: Fare Well
6 months ago
Very southing song for a country I love so much. Nice backing vocals and arrangements. 
6 months ago
Perfect for the holiday. Nice cover of a fine song!
Very well sung...
Latest song: Days Go By
6 months ago
Lovely songwriting.
6 months ago
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