Music » Inspirational » thsantac » Song
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This one is very particular and I never know how to describe it, hence the title.

It begins with a 3' long intro at the piano and synth (Vangelis Blade Runner synth) then it changes direction to something more structured. I wish I could find another main piano theme (in the second part) but I did not succeed in.

Don't know what genre to choose from as well :-)

Hope you'll enjoy this one.

Released: 19-Mar-2024
Category: Inspirational
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 19.7 Mb
Plays: 12
Downloads: 2
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 2
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Beautiful and very interesting and mind capturing music. Nice synth work. Nice soundscapes in 2nd half. Beautiful choirs.
Latest song: Strange Love
6 months ago
Lovely piano in the intro.  The second part fades in cleverly to the sound of beating pulse giving way to the string synths in full blast. Piano theme is neat. Nice composition!
6 months ago
The melody winds out sweetly.  Maybe strings instead of blade runner?  
The choir section with synth melody is a modern gesture.  This recalls  a tune I wrote years ago called "Slenderman", how strange. 
Wonderful noise synth.  
6 months ago
Love it very relaxing & beautiful. just what I needed!! Thank you for the DL
6 months ago
Mind bending indeed!
6 months ago
I can hear the Vangelis vibe which I love. Very expansive. Qite the journey my friend.  Charlie
6 months ago
Beautiful piano. Well done production and mix
Latest song: Latina
6 months ago
Latest song: Exposure
6 months ago
I really do hope I become half as talented as you , this is so amazingly beautiful and very haunting, A supberb " Vangelis " like feel that just keeps evolving and giving 👍👍
Latest song: A dream for peace
6 months ago
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