Music » Folk » KennethLavrsen » Song
Circle Dance (2024)
Song information
Genre this time is folk music with a Nordic sound and feel. I use a mix of traditional instruments, synth, and voice. The rhythm is slow (75 bpm) and strong but without heavy drum beating. A folky tune that would be great to grab each other in the hands and dance in a large circle. Like I experienced people doing in Barcelona when they dance the Sardana.

I originally published this in 2013. In 2024 I created two versions. This one is a completely new version with better instruments and better mixing and mastering. I will later also upload an all acoustic version for larger orchestra
Released: 31-Mar-2024
Category: Folk
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 12.7 Mb
Plays: 24
Downloads: 3
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 3
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Arpeggios and a lovely femme voice singing a fine viola line.  
This trots along and has air blowing into the venue.  Bravo! 
6 months ago
This sounds great coming through the monitors. Very image inducing.
Latest song: Carvan Sun
6 months ago
This flows like a river with very nice additions all along the trip. As usual, very well mixed and mastered. 
6 months ago
Fantastic production. My Bose earphones love it. A feast for my ears!!
6 months ago
Super cool production, mixed so fine ......  ! 
Latest song: Latina
6 months ago
Kenneth this is so beautiful. In my minds eye I can pictured a circle of folk holding hands and swaying side to side as they circle, almost like waves on the ocean... Love the way you built it up, adding to the energy without ever going off the rails. Fine choice of instruments too.
Instant FAVE of course!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
6 months ago
Bright and cheerful. Energetic yet deliberate with your gradual buildup. Sounds great. A lot to like here Kenneth, Charlie 
6 months ago
This was a nice soundtrack to gently wake my mind up this morning
6 months ago
Again perfectly engineered and recorded with lovely music!
6 months ago
I really like this, and we are going to Barcelona in August!
6 months ago
This is very nice sounding.   Would, indeed, work very well in a dance like situation.   
Latest song: University
6 months ago
Sounds really cool, friendly, calming and peaceful. Much enjoyed! :-)
6 months ago
Well done KL. Mellow. 
Latest song: Cool Cat Burglary
5 months ago
This music would be good in a movie.. nice atmosphere.
Latest song: Freak and Flowers
5 months ago
Has a very subtle and a royal festive air feel dance to it ...
Original i like 
5 months ago
Very evocative and beautiful melodies-i like this as is but knowing your talent for arrangement and production i think a fully acoustic orchestral version will knock it out of the park :)
Latest song: Evensong
5 months ago
You have a habit of making good music and this one is yet another wonderful example.
Latest song: Pot of Gold
5 months ago
Thanks all for the wonderful feedback. It means a lot to me. Look out for the full orchestral version that I will post this weekend.
Latest song: Strange Love
5 months ago
This is cool it has an ethereal vibe. Everything is tight. : - )
Latest song: Chaos
2 months ago
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