Music » Rock » GroundSwell401 » Song
Who's The Calvary / Where's The Cross
Song information
Instrumental Rock, Prog, Art Rock......
Released: 12-Apr-2024
Category: Rock
Application: GarageBand
File type: m4a
File size: 12.7 Mb
Plays: 10
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Don't understand the title, but REALLY like the music.
I only wish you sang too, or at least wrote lyrics...
In the meantime...
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
Confussing tittle and grafic ......... ?  cool jam 
Latest song: Latina
5 months ago
@Wyndsok The title won't make sense, unless I explain. Basically, the calvary, are they the good guys? Or, are they the bad guys prentending to be good? The cross, when found, will have to be beared by those who are the innocent, as they will get the brunt of the battle, the fallout.
5 months ago
Thanks for the explanation! It helps a lot!
Now I appreciate the music even more!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
@GR646 The explantion is given to Wyndsok. Thanks for listening!
5 months ago
@Wyndsok Oh and also Richard Thompson is in town tonite in South Jersey. I'm on my way there. He has a song called Calvary Cross.
5 months ago
Oh... Richard Thompson! You lucky devil! Lol...
You're in for a night of fabulous music!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
5 months ago
Nice to hear some prog rock music.
Nice work!
5 months ago
i like this piece.  There is a head, and clearly orchestrated solo breaks.  Repitition is never as satisfying as development.  The production is bright and clear.  I think Mike is correct, time to start vocals.  
5 months ago
@Daugrin Glad you dig this one. No on to trying to see if I can cobble these vocal chords into something, but I'm not holding my breath!
5 months ago
@Garni Much thanks for listening to this. I appreciate it!
5 months ago
@GroundSwell401 .  Look how far down the road you are already.  
You have a lot to say. You can get you there.  There are monster good singers right here to demo technique.  Work harder! 
5 months ago
Are the calvary good or bad guys. Good question. Depends on who you are, doesn't it. There is no one truth.
Latest song: Strange Love
5 months ago
Nice mix and production.  To me it sounded like a cool blend of prog, wave, hard rock - good to hear this style of music.  The guitars really get cooking in the middle which adds some interesting variety. 
Latest song: One Horse Town
5 months ago
@KennethLavrsen What a good way to sum things up on the concept!
@NorthPoint Thank you kindly for your astute assessment of this. I feel the same way now that you brought it up!
5 months ago
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