Music » Classical » thsantac » Song
To The Innocent Deaths
Song information
Previously composed just after the attack of July 14, 2016 in Nice. It was a terrorist attack with a ram truck, which took place in Nice on the evening of July 14, 2016 on the Promenade des Anglais.

Being a very sad classical piece, I was hesitating to publish it once again but given what is currently happening in Ukraine and Gaza (and other countries), I told myself that this post was not inappropriate.

Be warned it's a very sad piece.

Hope you'll like it anyway.

Released: 03-Jul-2024
Category: Classical
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 13.7 Mb
Plays: 11
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 11
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Sad is not inappropriate; it's another emotion that makes us human. Nicely controlled. It kept my interest throughout, not an easy thing to do with slow music. The addition of the percussion at 3:20 or so changes the mood of the piece. Yes, it adds variation, but seems a little out of place to my ear. I liked the ending as well! One of you better offerings, Thierry!
3 days ago
You received the music not to hold it, but to share it.  The Muse doesn't make mistakes.  The track is fantastic. 
Latest song: Ride Yer Bike
3 days ago
Very deep and beautiful
2 days ago
Beautiful amazing piece of work.  Music is the international language to communicate to others.  It's 100% appropriate.
Latest song: The Forgotten Man
2 days ago
Yes i remember this unfortunate & terrible incident 
Music is awesome here 
Latest song: All I Need
2 days ago
Most APPROPRIATE and---sadly---always timely...
The music is beautiful and heart wrenching. At least to me it is.
I wish the fanatics of this world could feel what the rest of us do when they commit their horrific acts.
Well done brother. Well done...
Latest song: It's Alright
2 days ago
Effectively conveys the inhumanity, the horror, the incomprehensibility of such acts.
Latest song: A Little Dance
2 days ago
You are an amazing artist my friend, why you not writing movie music is a mysterium. 
Wonderful piece! 
1 day ago
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