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JUGGERNAUT I Like a grinning gargoyle the juggernaut stands; the intelligentsia eating from its hands. They instruct us that we might learn to grovel before the masters of the lie! It casts a shadow long and deadly dark over foolish minds and fearful hearts; so that whether Left or Right we’ll play the part that we have been assigned… II Power brokers dream Machiavellian schemes, with central planners and doomsday themes. In the expanding darkness I hear liberty scream, as they run rough-shod o’er the truth. The pursuit of power— it’s an evil thing: the antithesis of sweet liberty. It’s freedom’s bane and the tyrants glee, as he grinds his bloody boot! III Through propaganda’s thick and surreal haze, I saw you standing there in the way; and you know I’ll love you all of my days, so take my hand and run with me. We’ll turn our backs to the dark and embrace the free! Up ahead I see the light still gleaming. Though madmen lay siege to our hopes and our dreams , my heart will pound for you! Hey! FREEDOM! FREEDOM!
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