Music » Pop » KennethLavrsen » Song
And Then We Die (2024)
Song information
Pop song with lyrics sung by me. The song is about my life philosophy: Live your life while you still have it and do not let anyone tell you that they know better than you, how to live your life.

The title sounds dramatic but the song is actually upbeat and should bring a smile to the faces of most people.

I wrote and recorded this song in 2012. Here is 2024 I just lost my father. He made it till 81 years old. I was not close to him and the major reason I have not been active in iBandstand is mainly that he died in Sweden, but all 3 children live in Denmark, and the red tape I am facing and the total lack of flexibility from Swedish institutions is draining me of time and energy.

It is utterly horrible the way the Swedish society handles things when a person dies, especially when the children do not live close to their dead relative. It is like they are trying to force you to spend 10000s on lawyer fees. All because everything happens with paper and no flexibility. I actually have no issue with the Swedish language. I understand Swedish pretty well.

Nah, But back to the song. Here in 2024 I completely changed the arrangement, added more instruments, added vocal harmonies. Only my own vocal from 2012 remains.

Rest in peace Ove Lavrsen
Released: 06-Aug-2024
Category: Pop
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 9.6 Mb
Plays: 35
Downloads: 4
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
And Then We Die
(C) 2012 Kenneth Lavrsen

You were born with nothing in a hospital bed
You are taking nothing with you when you're dead
In between your life is just a short flash
And it all ends up in dust and ash

You go to school to feed your soul
You waste half your childhood learning your role
As a factory worker or an office slave
Every morning the same: sh*t, shower and shave

And then you die
No matter how hard you try
And then you die
It's just goodbye

The church tries to tell you what to do
They say that only they know what is true
But there is no god and it is all a lie
You've got to live your moment and then it's goodbye

Health fanatics run and exercise
They ruin our lives with their eternal advice
I know I have lived more than half of my life
I am gonna eat and drink with my beautiful wife

And then we die
No matter how hard we try
And then we die
It's just goodbye

People postpone their lives till they get old
They reject life's pleasures just collecting gold
It is all worth nothing when your sitting alone
Running out of birthdays in a nursing home

Life is stuffing myself with steaks and fries
And I close my ears to the fanatic lies
Life is not religion or status or gold
Life is sex, and beer, and rock 'n' roll

And then we die
No matter how hard we try
And then we die
It's just goodbye
Ken cheers good to hear you back
Sweet music words & vocals are great :)
Well enjoyed
Latest song: Tunable Weed
1 month ago
That's the only thing we're sure of, you're right. Very nice song. Welcome back, Ken !
Latest song: Long Way Around
1 month ago
Welcome back friend. 
While I can't possibly agree with the main idea behind this song, it is the best one of its kind I have ever heard.
I mean that. Excellent music sung with conviction.
Voltaire got it right when he wrote:
"I may not agree with a thing you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
To paraphrase the wise Marcus Aurelius on this matter:
"If there are gods, they are good, and there is nothing to worry about. If there are no gods, there is nothing, and still nothing to worry about."
I will, like you, continue to live and celebrate life with all my loved ones; with this difference, I will make no absolutist pronouncement on what may lie beyond (or between). I will simply trust...
Love you man! And I'm so very glad you're back among us. 
Be well friend!
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
1 month ago
The melody recalls K Pop production.  Lots of choices where humor was added.  This is a difficult subject and you did good work getting your pov out.  
1 month ago
@Wyndsok And I will defend your right to say whatever you believe.
My main message in the song - is to smile and relax and have fun and see the face of death with a bit of humor because we are all getting there. And to never let anyone else tell you how to live your life or what to believe. As long as you behave so that you do not harm other people.
We cannot all save the world. But we can all put a smile on the face of the people we meet. Music is one of the best ways to do that. And then we die :-)
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
I agree with that sentiment 100%. 
(I hope I didn't give you the wrong impression.)
As for the rest, we'll find out when we get there.
At that time, and not before, theory---whether materialist or idealist---will give way to experience and fact.
Personally, WHATEVER it turns out to be, I'm looking forward to it. 
Existence, what ever it is, is an adventure!
In the meantime I---like yourself my friend---want to use my gifts to uplift and benefit my neighbor!
"Music is the very best of highs..."
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
1 month ago
The song does bring a smile to my face.  Really good with good mixing and production.
Latest song: The Big Electron
1 month ago
Loved it!! :)
1 month ago
I was going to use the word wonderful, but then it's about death! Sheeesh! I'm close to that door, you know! And, yes I am going to leave a lot of shit for my kids too! Just look around me ... I am half-hearted about decluttering, but then, should I? They are going to be paid for doing it for me! Hahahaha! I will leave something for them. I didn't get anything from my Dad, but it's alright ... I never relied on that1 This song is profound....wish I wrote it! Very good one! Now, I hope my kids do not read this comment! LOL! 
1 month ago
Yes, you put a smile on my face while listening to this happy song. I totally agree with : 
But there is no god and it is all a lie 
You've got to live your moment and then it's goodbye
And with : 
Life is not religion or status or gold 
Life is sex, and beer, and rock 'n' roll
Welcome back to us Kenneth.
PS : Thanks a lot for all your recent comments to my latest songs :-)
1 month ago
Although the lyrics are too nihilist for me, I appreciate the music.
1 month ago
Love this Kenneth. You’re completely upfront about what you believe which adds to the beauty and effectiveness of this song. It did bring a smile to my face and while I’m on the fence about what will one day come, I sure like this song.
1 month ago
Nice work! Sorry to hear about your Father's passing and the B.S you have to deal with.
Latest song: Synestia
1 month ago
@yoslounge thanks for your support. It is good to be back
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
@Dyl  Yes, we can only be sure of death and taxes
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
@Daugrin yes. Humor is the best way to deal with tough subject
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
@Venturesome smile on face. Mission complete. Thanks
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
@deezee thank you for your support
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
@StanTheManLoh a comedian Dave Allen said. Getting old is bad but the alternative is worse.Thanks Stan
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
@thsantac I am glad you liked the song. So let us open that bottle of wine
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
@Dr_J Thank you for your support.
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
@Bowman smile on face and spreading joy. That was the objective.
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
@Garni I am happy you liked it and thanks for the support
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
Got the Ian Dury vibe with this one. Well done.
Latest song: You Lookin at Me
1 month ago
Hi Ken.. An honest, to the point but with a smile inducing expression and by the photo, I am getting hungry- eat, drink, be merry and make music.. I LOVED this
1 month ago
Well said .... !
1 month ago
Im in love with this song
I get immediate Jona Lewie vibes off this
Great song sir!!!
Latest song: Biding My Time
1 month ago
This so works love hte vox
Latest song: Slip Away
9 days ago
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