Music » Classical » thsantac » Song
Sadness and Determination
Song information
A blend of classical and electronical instrumental.
Released: 27-Oct-2023
Category: Classical
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 11.4 Mb
Plays: 15
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Good to hear your music again my friend! I miss you!
Thanks a lot Tom. After all these years, it's good to see this website is back.
11 months ago
Thierry. I cannot express how happy I am to see that you also joined here. And your music still sounds so much like we remember. Blend of genre and styles and very well implemented. Welcome to our new home.
Latest song: Strange Love
11 months ago
Thanks Kenneth. So happy to be back home with my old friends. So many years have passed since we exchanged nice comments.
11 months ago
We have returned ! An orchestral novel is meticulously brushed. Adverse depression delivers painful jabbing @ 2:40 time marker.. then comes balanced disposition; winning over.
Latest song: Golden Dusk
11 months ago
Thanks Scott. Little by little we will almost be all back here :-)
11 months ago
Well done Thierry, good to see and hear your music on here. Love the arrangement. The techno element took me by surprise, even with a description, and then blended well satisfyingly. Your orchestration skills have come on well.
Very dreamy and contemplative.
11 months ago
@SilkyWilky @Grathy Thanks a lot my friends, good to join you back.
11 months ago
Feast for my ears, enjoyed every second!! Love it.
10 months ago
A film score What an expressive piece Chapeau
10 months ago
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