Music » Country » StanTheManLoh » Song
Keep Shining on Me
by   StanTheManLoh   and   jibes
Song information
I wrote this within a few days of happily seeing our first Grandchild. I rushed back from Asia, jumped into our SUV and headed for Edmonton to celebrate the event! Jibes has produced a fantastic cover for me! I simply love this song.
Released: 23-Aug-2024
Category: Country
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 9.4 Mb
Plays: 20
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Keep Shining On Me
© July 8, 2005 Stan Loh – a song for Ronin Loh
Verse 1
It doesn’t matter what the future holds for you,
I want to ride the same train you’re on,
And if you falter I’ll be there to hold your hand,
Your love has shown where I will belong,
And as we bond your light keeps shining on me,
Oh my darling, keep shining on me.
Verse 2
Praise your maker, praise each day, the old and new,
As you grow, each little battle won,
Make things better, plant the seeds upon your land,
Watch them yield with each blessed song,
And as I age to weary, please calm my stormy seas,
Oh my darling, keep shining on me.
Love knows no boundaries,
Has no superstars,
This is love for you and me,
It will grace a million stars. 
Verse 3
Try to make me proud as any grandpa should,
Strive for gold wherever you go,
There’s a podium, at the top is your place,
Oh let me see your bright beaming face,
When you accept the prizes just remember the pride in me,
Oh my darling, keep shining on me.
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Congrats Stan & God bless 
Sweet lovely song ...
1 month ago
Neal's delivery is always a treat. Beautiful song too, very touching. A fine fine collab...
1 month ago
That's a joyous song and such a precious photo.
1 month ago
What a very beautiful song matched with such a beautiful image , Congratulations to you all ... I read the lyrics and they are a true work of art my friend
Latest song: A dream for peace
1 month ago
Makes me feel good ! > a super pleasing collaboration .**********
Latest song: Golden Dusk
1 month ago
Fantastic collaberation. Really enjoyed :)
1 month ago
This song about your first grandchild stands out and shines for you. Very good cover by Jibes and no doubt the song will long be treasured.
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1 month ago
Lovely track🫶
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29 days ago
Great song by Neal, great cover of a great song. Did I forget to say "great" ?
28 days ago
Beautiful song. Congratulations Stan!!!
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28 days ago
What a beautiful tribute to life
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18 days ago
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