My father's name was Bill, my mother was always playing piano around the house, It's how I got my start... Back in 2009, she was staying with us for several weeks, she loved to be out here on the lake during the summer and I asked her to sit on my piano and play as I tried to learn how to mic a piano... I still haven't figured it out, mom passed away a week ago today... and when I got back from Indiana I started thinking about this recording session... I didn't even know what I called it but I soon found it... I'm posting it here so that I can share it with several people who have told me since last Thursday how much mom helped them... she always accompanied the singers and instrumentalists in the hi-school music program... I've probably heard this comment more that any other
Application:Logic Pro
File type:mp3
File size:5.1 Mb
Weekly plays:1
Weekly downloads:7
License:Non-commercial derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
@Dav that was helpful because I didn't know the name of the second song... my mother would always warm up with that one "Nola" so I heard it all the time... the first song the first song is called "Bill"… Some refer to it as "along came bill"