Music » A Cappella » Wyndsok » Song
Barrett's Privateers
by   Wyndsok
Song information
I first heard this song back in the 1990s on an exceptionally quirky episode of the TV series DUE SOUTH.

I next heard it covered by a member of the English band THE MEN THEY COULDN’T HANG. It was then I was hooked!

Recently I discovered the late great Stan Roger’s version. I based my version on his.

The original is a tad long, so beyond modifying the lyrics in a few places, I have shortened it by a couple verses.

To be quite honest, it normally takes far more courage than I can muster to sing A Capella. I like to hide behind a lot of instruments!

I was inspired to give this a try by listening to our own DaoDBall.

Thanks David. This one’s dedicated to you!
Released: 27-Jan-2025
Category: A Cappella
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 10.7 Mb
Plays: 16
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed

Ah, the year was seventeen seventy-eight
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
A letter of marque came from the king
To the scummiest vessel I'd ever seen
God damn them all, I was told,
We'd sail the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's Privateers

Well the Antelope sloop was a sickening sight
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
She'd a list to the port and her sails in rags
And the cook in the scuppers with the staggers and jags
God damn them all, I was told,
We'd sail the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
But I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's Privateers
On the King's birth-day we put to sea
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
We were ninety-one days to Montego Bay
Pumping like madmen all the way
God damn them all, I was told,
We'd sail the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
But I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's Privateers
On the ninety-sixth day we sailed a-gain
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
When a bloody great Yankee hove in sight
With our cracked four-pounders, we made to fight
God damn them all, I was told,
We'd sail the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
But I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's Privateers
The Yankee lay low down with gold
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
She was broad and fat and loose in stays 
to catch her took the Antelope two whole days
God damn them all, I was told,
We'd sail the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
But I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's Privateers
Then at length we stood two cables a-way
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
Our cracked four-pounders made an awful din
But with one fat ball the Yank stove us in
God damn them all, I was told,
We'd sail the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
But I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's Privateers
The Antelope shook and pitched on her side
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
Barrett was smashed like a bowl of eggs
And the main-truck carried off both me legs
God damn them all, I was told,
We'd sail the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
But I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's Privateers
So here I lay in me twenty-third year
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
It's been six years since we sailed a-way
And I just made Halifax yesterday
[Chorus 2x]
God damn them all, I was told,
We'd sail the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
But/Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's Privateers
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Holy smokes... if anyone can pull this off it's you. Who needs a miceophone when you got silver lungs.  Great version.
Latest song: Another Day
1 month ago
Wow !! Good job Mike ! Accent and all.  It's  not easy to sing a cappella .
1 month ago
Awesome performance Mike.
Oh yeah, Captain Hook lives!
Latest song: Black Coffee
1 month ago
Best vocal of yours I ever heard. I’m familiar with this classic. Heard a few versions and this is right up with the best. Great Job Mike. Stan would approve.
Latest song: The Well
1 month ago
I always thought the site could use more sea shanties. :D
You really did a great job with this. Enjoyed it.
1 month ago
You are too kind Matt!
Latest song: All Is Quiet
1 month ago
I have always shied away from singing A Capella. Will probably never do it again!
Gotta say though... I really enjoyed doing it this time!
Latest song: All Is Quiet
1 month ago
Thank you Thierry!
Latest song: All Is Quiet
1 month ago
Latest song: All Is Quiet
1 month ago
Stan left us much too soon. His "Northwest Passage" never fails to make me tear up.
Glad you like my rendition Charlie!
Latest song: All Is Quiet
1 month ago
Thanks a lot Joseph. It always gives me a special joy when a fellow Macjams veteran
clocks in on one of my tunes. Guess I'm a nostalgic old fool!
Latest song: All Is Quiet
1 month ago
Superb vocals & theme
Well enjoyed
Latest song: Finding Solace
1 month ago
Singing A Capella is like tight rope walking... If you're still alive at the end, means you're good ! And you are ! Great song, and performance from you...
Latest song: Chocolate Jesus
1 month ago
Incredible, Mike!!! You sound GREAT!!!!! Very professional!!! VEry cool lyrics!!!!  No need to hide behind anything!!!
1 month ago
Wow. Fantastic vocal performance
Latest song: Witch Dance
1 month ago
Now this is a revolution!!! Oh my gosh! You've done it! I'll never have the courage to do something like this... you've got the voice for this too! Kudos to you, my friend!
Latest song: River Man
1 month ago
Acapella wooohoooo!
So brave of you and as pirates say...
Shiver me timbers
1 month ago
Thanks one and all for your too kind words of encouragement!
I deeply appreciate it!
Latest song: All Is Quiet
1 month ago
Wow Mike great accapela!! Love it :)
Latest song: Melodious Melody
1 month ago
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