Music » Inspirational » MikeHuntingford » Song
My Band of Brothers (Honoring Veterans Everywhere)
Song information
Sometime ago, I was moved to create my own version of a Band of Brothers-like theme music. This is that attempt. As a veteran myself - I salute all others.
Released: 12-Nov-2023
Category: Inspirational
Application: Reaper
File type: mp3
File size: 9.7 Mb
Plays: 14
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Wow not sure if I have heard a Band of Brothers theme music. But one thing I do know. This sounds amazing what an awesome feast for my ears. Mike I love it!! fav
10 months ago
It has that army sound it should have. Nice attempt Mike.
10 months ago
Proud music for proud people. Excellent
Latest song: Strange Love
10 months ago
Mike I love this. The instrumentation is spot on for the genre and melody fitting. I know Orchestration is a big topic but to add movement and interest is to not have block chords but some sections doing subtle conter melody elements and moving lines, swapping lead instruments through a phrase etc.. but all in this was lovely to come across well done
As a VFW vet,I thank you,sir!!
Latest song: How Long
10 months ago
Thank you for your service, and for this moving tribute.
Latest song: One Horse Town
9 months ago
Well done. As vet I thank you for your service. Praise for you talent as well.
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8 months ago
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