Music » World » ScottCarmichael » Song
Oh Come Emanuel
Song information
Picture a huge cathedral in the dark ages. For theatre, we see slavery and forced labor in the darkest places, industrial, hopeless and forsaken in the mines of Mordor until heaven breaks the silence… human history is replete with examples of the bondage we live under... one thing I'm sure we all agree on is our longing for a freedom that transcends the relentless gravity that has pulled on us from the dawn of time... I arranged this some years back and we would end our concerts with this song year round… even though it is considered a Christmas song… somehow it was more than that for us… no guitars were harmed in the production of this song, but billions of electrons were horribly inconvenienced!
Released: 02-Dec-2023
Category: World
Application: Harrison Mixbus
File type: mp3
File size: 12.5 Mb
Plays: 17
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Love the sophistication of the intro. This piece has a nice middle-age feel to it. I do not understand why it is considered a Christmas son :-)
10 months ago
Wow!!!!! :)
10 months ago
Wow. I love this song. I love the way it builds up. I love the drama. I love the excellent vocal work. Both leads, layering, and harmonies. And a really good melody. Super track
Latest song: Strange Love
9 months ago
I am having heck of an enjoyable session with this wonderful piece! A project to remember! A treasure! Congratulations!!!
9 months ago
Latest song: Latina
9 months ago
Loving it. Synths, vocal harmonies, everything is spot on.
Latest song: Santa Jack
9 months ago
Absolutely stunning Sir!!! Wow.
Long my second favorite hymn. (My first being "Be Thou My Vision.") Great job Scott! I'd say more, but it's already been said by the other reviewers.
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
9 months ago
Wow great vocals, harmonics and rendering . Love it Scott. 😀
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