Music » Classical » KennethLavrsen » Song
Murder That Nagging Wife
Song information
Music telling a story

A woman is nagging her husband over and over again.

- I want a new floor in the kitchen!
- I want the hallway painted!
- I want this, I want that!

The husband gets more and more annoyed and one day he has had enough. He grabs the wife, ties her up, brings her to the railway track and ties her to the rails.
We see the fast train approaching. We see the terrified eyes of the woman - who we all know deserves it.
The train driver sees the woman and pushes the brakes all he can. Will the train stop in time?
Well the music suggests that the train stops. But did it stop in time? Only the composer knows!

The piece starts with a quiet synth arpeggio and a sad melody played on a typical DX7 type bell synth. This is the sad nagging.
A B piece follows on guitar-like string instrument. The husband is building up his rage and frustration and drags her to the rails.
We move to the C piece where the song changes into full symphony orchestra introducing a pompous melody with drums. The train is approaching.
The B peace is played by glockenspiel backed by the cellos and flute. We are in the locomotive looking forward.
Now we reach the final where the C piece is played by the horns and the DX7 is back playing the sad A melody backed by full orchestra. It all comes to the climax. The train getting all too near, and the fear and anger all mixed up. And the train slows down. The music and the train stops....

Many hours of work and a fun mix of classical orchestra and modern synth instruments. 26 tracks.

PS: Yes, she is still alive. She even got a new kitchen.
Released: 11-Dec-2023
Category: Classical
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 10.2 Mb
Plays: 40
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Getting what she deserves. Most important. Best of luck.
9 months ago
Funny reading your description. I too had a new floor and the whole house inside painted. Wife is still alive as well. Bank account pretty much got killed though. I can hear the train coming. Nice mix and story telling.
Latest song: June Wedding
9 months ago
Beautiful melody. Good structure and arrangement. Well done. Orchestration skills coming on.
Enjoy a lot your key works & beautiful melodies Sound clean clear and great Ken Kudos
9 months ago
Loved every second and the scary story was fun :) always love a happy ending. Bet she was scarred for life after that ordeal Kenneth lol
9 months ago
Absolutely loved this. Excellent Composition and top notch Production as always. Great work!!
Even when you want to describe a drama, your natural disposition for lightness and happy atmospheres prevails Kenneth. Maybe could have been darker :-)
9 months ago
Thierry - you are right. I had fun and was giggling when I made this music in 2018 and playing it for my sweet wife. I had just finished "Another Upbeat Song For Diane" and I thought it was time for a little fun. And she was talking about painting and having new vinyl on the floor in the kitchen. Years later we replaced the entire kitchen. And I love the food she is cooking in the new kitchen.
Latest song: Strange Love
9 months ago
That was really pretty, Kenneth. I like this a lot. And your media song pick of Snidely Whiplash takes the cake! Excellent, sir!
9 months ago
My wife got the new kitchen as well. Enjoyed.
Latest song: Cool Cat Burglary
9 months ago
Nya a ahhhh! Went to twist my mustache as I listened. Then remembered I didn't have one. Glad no one was looking! This is MAGNIFICENT! Evocative, clear, huge... Words fail! Instant fave Ken!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
9 months ago
Ha ha! She lived to see another... kitchen. Lovely piece of music. Complex and integrated instrumentation creates the mood and scenes of your narration. Thanks!
9 months ago
I listened to this in part because of the funny title, but oddly, I found myself really moved by the music itself. Huh.
Latest song: Exposure
9 months ago
Great ambitious piece of work and story. I gotta say that in addition to the music, I also dig the Snively Whiplash pic you've put together.
Latest song: University
9 months ago
Imaginative!!! And a pretty darn good story! She deserves the new kitchen after all the trauma!
9 months ago
I'm actually just here for a second listen... I am trying to analyze why this piece affects me the way it does. There's really no analyzing that!
Latest song: Exposure
9 months ago
A fun read , really loving that arp mixed with such a beautiful melody the incoming orchestral percussion is amazing !!
Latest song: A dream for peace
9 months ago
I could see this as a soundtrack behind a silent movie… Great job, and I always love cinematic pieces.
9 months ago
This is a beautiful piece of music. The story is hilarious, I was hoping for lyrics/vocals.
9 months ago
I love the story and the drama…that combined with the music paints very interesting pictures in my head….perfect :-)
Latest song: Interlude
9 months ago
You may not read music, and play with one hand... but there are skills here. Nice use of narrative music. The voice leading is very well done, and you've got some lovely minor keys melodies in there.
Latest song: Interregnum
8 months ago
I Love everything about this composition, great work kenneth!!
7 months ago
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