Music » Pop » KennethLavrsen » Song
Time (vocal version)
Song information
I have earlier posted an instrumental version of this song and I always promissed myself that I would write lyrics for it.

I take a long time to write lyrics. Especially this song took time because I had a clear idea what I wanted to say in the song and it was difficult to find the right words. But here it is.

A piece with huge orchestration. One of those that took quite some time to make. Originally made in 2019. I remixed it and replaced some sound libraries in 2023. And in 2024 I added the lyrics and recorded it. The voice is Kevin from Synth V.
Released: 03-Feb-2024
Category: Pop
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 14.0 Mb
Plays: 45
Downloads: 4
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 4
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Time goes all too fast
We live as our lives will last, forever
Time is gonna get us
We can't let it go to waste
We have just one life
Just one short and precious life
Clock ticking
Cherish every moment
Seize the day and do your best

Time - childhood memories
All the friends all the people
Those that came to be
Where are you now
Are you still around
Oh I wish I could let you see
How much you meant to me
When life got tough
The journey grew rough
We learned to cope with less
Somehow we rose
Courage never froze
Searching love and happiness
Life's sweet song, a fleeting rhyme
The time, the sands of time

All too fast
We live as our lives will last, forever
Time is gonna get us
We can't let it go to waste
We have just one life
Just one short and so precious life
Clock ticking
Cherish every moment
Seize the day and do your best

One day, older and wise
You'll realize, nothing is forever
And the people you love most will pass away
And that day you'll feel all alone
What once was your home is empty and lonely
And you think of the ones that depend on you
Why can love never last
Can not stay in the past
Passion's prime
Always losing to time

Today is a day you never saw before
And never will see again ever more
Have no more regrets
'Cause life slips through your hand
Like small grains of sand
And time ticking on when we're gone
Oh the time, that precious time

All to fast
We live as our lives will last, forever
Time is gonna get us
We can't let it go to waste
We have just one life
Just one short and precious life
Clock ticking
Cherish every moment
Seize the day and do your best
Wow, what a wonderful song, and what a voice!! LOVE IT!
I can vizualize this as part of a stage musical. The orchestration and polished delivery by the Synth V voice all point in that direction. I was intrigued by Synth V and had to look it up. It is quite an amazing package. Thanks for posting this.
7 months ago
Awesome vocals, beautiful song, love the lyrics, backing music outstanding. Love it!!!!!!!!!
7 months ago
Beautiful song, sung so beautifully .... ! WOW ....... ! added to my FAV's
Latest song: Latina
7 months ago
It's incredible what we can do with Synth V, I should take a look at it. Very fine orchestration Kenneth.
7 months ago
I can relate when you say about spending time to write lyrics- I am awed by some that can write in 20 minutes. The 'time' you spent was well worth your effort. Very stage worthy too.. Applause
7 months ago
Splendid song Ken is great to hear vocals along the music is complete song well enjoyed :)
7 months ago
The music is terrific! The vocalist Kevin has a wonderful voice. I really enjoyed this song ... a bit long, I think!
7 months ago
This is beautiful, and what a voice! I’ve never heard of AI vocals like this… Singers are going to be put out of business! Beautiful sound.
7 months ago
Big broad strokes of excellent production and melody, great work.
Latest song: Chaos
7 months ago
Such a lovely song. Fantastic lyrics and a rich orchestration. Your voice just rings! Thanks for sharing this!
Latest song: Mr. Moon
7 months ago
Love this song and the feeling. Great production and vocal, awesome job!!
7 months ago
Amazing! Hats off to you for all your hard work. The AI voice is truly amazing, almost too perfect. The whole song has pleasing harmony, realized by skilful orchestration and it all hangs together with a good form and structure. Kudos, Kenneth!
Latest song: Three Cuballeros
7 months ago
Been waiting for this version... Super lyrics delivered with conviction... Kevin's voice. A perfect match! A stellar choice! Bravo! BRAVO! πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜‹
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
7 months ago
This is amazing! The work that went into it is evident in the finished product. Great work with the AI vocal.
Latest song: June Wedding
7 months ago
Your voice sounds great. Nice clean recording and technique. It does have a musical quality. Great singing man. And a great message.
Latest song: Fare Well
7 months ago
One of the great things about writing and recording your own music - no matter how long it takes to complete a piece - is that it allows us to live fully in the moment. Seize the day and do your best : )
Latest song: The Joker
7 months ago
Beautifull begging to end!!
Latest song: How Long
7 months ago
That is a great message. Always worth the time it takes for lyrics. Great vocal Kenneth, heart felt, enjoyed
7 months ago
Wow. This is marvelous. Flows so beautifully. Lyrics, vocals all first class. Effective orchestration as well. Poignant and very touching. Thanks my friend.
7 months ago
Love the chord structure and build to this amazing song .... Straight into my favorites folder as I know I will be wanting more listens πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Latest song: A dream for peace
7 months ago
Fabulous! Excellent singing and your instrumentation is a joy to listen to.
Latest song: Pot of Gold
7 months ago
Yeah!!! Great song and vocals!!!
7 months ago
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