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BUFFALO SKINNERS I (Tom) Twas in the town of Jacksboro, in the year of ’73, that a man by the name of Krego come walkin’ up to me; sayin’ “How ya’ doin’ young fella, and would you like to go, to spend the Summer pleasantly, on the range of the buffalo?” II (Mike) Me being out of employment, to Krego I did say: “This Summer on the buffalo range depends upon the pay. For if you pay good wages… transportation to and fro, it’s likely I’ll go with you to the range of the buffalo.” III (Jack) “Yes I’ll pay good wages, and transportation too. If you agree to work for me, until the season’s through; but if you do get homesick, and you try to run away, you’ll starve to death on the buffalo range, and also lose your pay!” IV (Tom) With all this fancy talkin’, he set me up quite a plan. (Mike) Some ten to twelve in number, all able bodied men. (Jack) Our trip it was a blessed one, as we hit the westward road. (All) Until we reached Las Cruces, in old New Mexico. (Instrumental Soloing) V (Tom) Well then our pleasures ended, and our troubles they begun. When lightning struck the wagon, boys, and made the buffalo run. A thousand head a-breathin’ fire, stampeding they did go; and outlaws waiting to pick us off, from the hills of Mexico. VI (Mike) Well the working season ended, but the Drover would not pay. He said: “You boys been extravagant, you’re all in debt to me!” But the cowboys never heard such a thing as a bankrupt Drover-O! So they left his bones to bleach, in the hills of Mexico… VII (Jack) Across the Rio Grande, my boys, and homeward we are bound. No one on this buffalo range will ever more be found. Go home to your wives and sweethearts! Tell others not to go; to spend the Summer pleasantly, on the range of the buffalo… VIII (Tom) Twas in the town of Jacksboro, in the year of ’73, (Mike) that a man by the name of Krego, come walkin’ up to me; (Jack) saying: “How’d ya doin’ young fella, and would you like to go, (All) to spend the Summer pleasantly, on the range of the buffalo?”
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