Music » Folk » Wyndsok » Song
Buffalo Skinners (The Goodwillys)
by   Wyndsok
Song information
Back around April of 2007, when I was a member of Macjams, myself and three other members—inspired by “the Traveling Wilburys”—formed a group calling itself The Goodwillys. The core group consisted of myself, Vic Holman, Jack Miller, and Mike Dancy.

The plan was to write and record songs together, and to invite other musicians onboard as guests. Although it was a lot of fun (and work!), we managed to record only five songs.

For me, the peak was Buffalo Skinners, a traditional folk song, which I first heard covered by Texas roadhouse band “The Shakin’ Apostles.” Our version was the most ambitious piece we ever attempted. We recorded it in September of 2007.

Vic Holman pre-mixed and pre-mastered it. I did the final mixing and mastering.

Somewhere along the line I lost the original file stems. (A lot can happen in seventeen years!) Fortunately, I had a copy of the final mix. I did a bit of remastering for this posting.

Hope some of you can enjoy this!

The Goodwillys:

“Rough Ridin’” Micheal Wark: Vocals, acoustic rhythm, and mandolin.
“Saddle Sore” Vic Holman: Acoustic guitar, and electric guitar leads.
“Gentleman” Jack Miller: Vocals.
“Tombstone” Mike Dancy: Drums.

Special Guests:

“Rawhide” Neil Porter : Bass.
“Quick Draw” Scott Carmichael: Piano.
“Buckeye” Tom Bronco: Vocals.
“Lonesome” Ian Beardsley: acoustic lead soloing (mid-section).
Released: 05-Feb-2024
Category: Folk
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 16.9 Mb
Plays: 24
Downloads: 3
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed

Twas in the town of Jacksboro, in the year of ’73,
that a man by the name of Krego come walkin’ up to me;
sayin’ “How ya’ doin’ young fella, and would you like to go,
to spend the Summer pleasantly, on the range of the buffalo?”

Me being out of employment, to Krego I did say:
“This Summer on the buffalo range depends upon the pay. 
For if you pay good wages… transportation to and fro, 
it’s likely I’ll go with you to the range of the buffalo.”

“Yes I’ll pay good wages, and transportation too.
If you agree to work for me, until the season’s through;
but if you do get homesick, and you try to run away,
you’ll starve to death on the buffalo range,
and also lose your pay!”

With all this fancy talkin’, he set me up quite a plan.
Some ten to twelve in number, all able bodied men.
Our trip it was a blessed one, as we hit the westward road.
Until we reached Las Cruces, in old New Mexico.

(Instrumental Soloing)

Well then our pleasures ended, and our troubles they begun.
When lightning struck the wagon, boys, and made the buffalo run.
A thousand head a-breathin’ fire, stampeding they did go;
and outlaws waiting to pick us off, from the hills of Mexico.

Well the working season ended, but the Drover would not pay.
He said: “You boys been extravagant, you’re all in debt to me!”
But the cowboys never heard such a thing as a bankrupt Drover-O!
So they left his bones to bleach, in the hills of Mexico…

Across the Rio Grande, my boys, and homeward we are bound.
No one on this buffalo range will ever more be found.
Go home to your wives and sweethearts! Tell others not to go;
to spend the Summer pleasantly, on the range of the buffalo…

Twas in the town of Jacksboro, in the year of ’73,
that a man by the name of Krego, come walkin’ up to me;
saying: “How’d ya doin’ young fella, and would you like to go,
to spend the Summer pleasantly, on the range of the buffalo?”
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I like this song. Authentic from the heart music. Well done
Latest song: Happy Day
1 year ago
All about teamwork too. Bravo.
1 year ago
Hey Mike, This sounds really good! Everything is clean - nice mastering job. I gotta say this, being the first song out the chute, could very well be the best. Deep bows to all my bandmates! Gentleman Goodwilly - Jack Miller ( jmill )
Latest song: Baby, Baby
1 year ago
Kenneth, Daug, and Jack: Thanks for the kind words! The Goodwillys ride again! 😋
Latest song: Little Things
1 year ago
What a nice orchestration, so well balanced. Sound is very clear. Maybe the voice track a little bit too low but it's a personal opinion :-)
By chance I started watching Ken Burns documentary "The American Buffalo" and I was totally hooked. This traditional song adds another piece to the picture. Thanks for this.
Thierry and Zinc: Glad you like this effort! Many many thanks... 😋
Latest song: Little Things
1 year ago
Splendid song & awesome sounding yes very authentic
1 year ago
Great tune ……. ! Nice traditional sound, from the heart. Is that a pic of the band ? I would like to see the movie, you tell quite a story. It reminds me of Townes Van Zandt, Pancho and Lefty.
Latest song: Rock N Roll Girl
1 year ago
Omar! Thanks for listening brother... 😋
Latest song: Little Things
1 year ago
Gary: Glad you enjoyed it. Don't know who the guys in the pic are. I've used it in the past to represent the spirit of the Goodwillys. Seemed to fit this song as well. I know nothing of the above mentioned movie. I just fell in love with the song when I heard it covered by "The Shakin' Apostles." Oh, and btw, I LOVE "Pancho & Lefty;" especially the version by Todd Menton of the band "Boiled In Lead." 😋
Latest song: Little Things
1 year ago
Those were the days Mike!
Latest song: ICARUS WINGS
1 year ago
This is something special
Latest song: Flow
1 year ago
Enjoyed the listen.
1 year ago
Neil: Yes they were bro. It was a great time. But so are these days! Al: Many thanks. One of the best collaborations I ever had the privilege to be involved with! Ray, As always, many thanks for lending an ear! Be well all! 😋
Latest song: Little Things
1 year ago
Good jam.. You could have made a full length film from this..My sincere compliments to you all
1 year ago
Many thanks Joyce! I like to rock out, but I guess I'm an old folkie at heart. ...or perhaps I'm just a tad schizoid! 😜😋😘
Latest song: Little Things
1 year ago
Really loved this. Awesome collab!!
Latest song: Ambience
1 year ago
dee, Thanks for listening friend. A few more old GW tunes will be posted in the months ahead. Actually, I'm attempting to get the band back together. Hoping to record some new songs, but we'll see how that goes... 😋😘
Latest song: Little Things
1 year ago
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